Cultivating Community
We are RAVEN 425, we are not just an apparel Brand, we are a lifestyle of empowerment. We are not for everyone but we are looking for lions and lioness join us daily at
United By Stoke is RAVEN 425 -Chin Up Chest Out We Rise Above United By Stoke - Cultivating Community we are a lifestyle brand built on good vibes and building community bringing streetwear fashion with a splash of tropical funkyness! Our conversations are to empower, educate, and strengthen our minds Visit us
We are RAVEN 425, we are not just an apparel Brand, we are a lifestyle of empowerment. We are not for everyone but we are looking for lions and lioness join us daily at
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
AGE IS NO EXCUSE TO GIVE UP. This episode is all about the listeners of The IGNITE YOUR PURPOSE show who are past that prime age range of 24-27 for males and females which society deems is our PEAK years!! I laugh and I laugh hard at that nonsense.
So I was asked to attend a gathering of sorts with a few clients and friends of IYP, and as always I sat in and observed the entire meeting/sit down and just got a vibe got a feeling of the pulse of the team, and I did toss in a few words here and there. Yet the main focus was to see how this group of women was feeling, and what they were doing about how they felt.
Were they just having a cry session about how nothing will ever change, or was it a step into the WOKE State, the new 2020 vibe?
So out of the group there were a lot of them who were sick and tired of being sick and tired, and of them all there were 2 who had already made the change for the better. 2 years deep to be exact.
So again as an observer, the visual look of the 2 who had already started making the steps to better and empower themselves was very very noticeable to me anyway. They looked alive (meaning their skin did not look grey) their eyes shined brighter, their minds were sharper, they just looked healthier and younger.
All this aside the best line that this one lady said who had already made the change was " don't make it complicated just start".
We already now the fast food, the pop, the alcohol, the processed foods, the lack of greens is all a problem. So why not baby step by baby step just make a change each day. This does not mean never again will I ever have a pop, but it does mean you know better that it's a treat not a staple in your life.
It also does not mean you have to go out and train with Olympic Athletes to get yourself into shape, but again it does mean get your butt out there and move, sweat, enjoy the outdoors!
In the end I was just happy to see women supporting and empowering each other to be and do better, we need more of this. We need our women healthy and strong this is a fact!
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Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
The Red Pill The Matrix and Being Woke, what a start to 2020 for some of our listeners! The fact that there is going to be a lot of us who wake up and the fact that there is going to be a lot of us who go back to sleep is just a starting point.
So what does woke and sleep mean? Well, as always I use the MATRIX reference as a jump off point, but sleep to us here at Ignite Your Purpose means to continue to follow and fall prey to our old ways, our old beliefs, and our old system of repeating what we already know and do.
An example would be if you always take the same route home from work or school, its just auto pilot, its easy, no need to think, no need to experience anything new, we are use to it. So there will be no surprises we feel safe and secure.
To be Woke as all the cool kids call it nowadays is to simply wake up out of the old system we use to follow blindly. It's a starting point of questioning why it is we do the things we do. Where did it come from, why do I believe it, why is it that I do this repeatedly, who taught me this and so forth?
So as I mention in this episode when I started to wake up 12-15 years ago it was far from easy. Most people around you will think you are nuts, they will for sure try to bring you back to sleep. I mentioned as well that it's no different from trying to follow your dreams. All those who never ever did follow their dreams or who gave up on their dreams are the ones that will tell you it is and never will be possible. So stay here in sleep land with us.
This is just a belief system most of us follow. Its easier really to stay inside the box where everyone else is.
Why because we can avoid judgement, the biggest fear we each have!
Until we question it we can never find the key to our self imposed prison! It is a lonely, difficult road, only because we will feel not secure and being human were are told security is what we must have to feel safe.
However once you begin this journey there is nothing else like it, to feel alive, to feel truly freed, to be able to think for yourself...priceless!
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Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Jumping on the band wagon just because. So does it feel rite or do we just want to be rite and have our ego be apart of the winning team? Honestly think about that one, as I sat in on a town hall type meeting I was witness to an escalation of words simply to be part of the winning team.
I had no dog in the fight it was not my country and I was simply there as an observer to see how the human mind and spirit react to debate nowadays in a political religious and dietary style conversation.
I was not at all surprised by the reactions as each one of us has this DNA this mindset this never back down from our belief system type mentality even though the facts may prove us wrong. Been there many many times myself personally on this empowering journey of mine!! Yet to observe, to be out of your own way and see it and think, Phuck is that what I look and sound’s a fast track way to transform yourself (in my opinion)
In this particular setting when a gentleman in the audience presented video fact , written fact on documents in question at this open forum debate, he was at the start questioned heavily and he responded with clam facts each time and I’d say he was correct at least 85 percent of the time as to what he was referring to and all seemed very low key.
Now as this progressed and he kept basically kicking butt on the subject “ the opposite team” went from conversation, to yelling to threats of fake news and fake documents as from what it looked like to me was their inability to contest the facts. I think we all have this in us.
Our ego takes hold our beliefs are to strong and we would rather fight to the death than admit we are wrong. This is a place each of us need to look inside to make the change on the outisde.
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Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Am I a failure because I gave up on my New Years resolutions?! Yup it’s that time, a little over a week or so into the new year and guess what stats show (and we all believe the hype of stats rite) they show 33 to 35 percent of all who set out goals on New Years have give them up already.
Now as the days go on that number grows higher. I say this all the time January 2nd until about the 15th gym is packed, then it slowly starts to tapper off until by the end of February it’s empty again.... go figure rite!! But again personally I think these massive long lists of goals we make and try to achieve for ourselves are basic set ups to fail. How much thought and real consideration do we put into these? Its feels good to WANT to get these goals said out loud and started but we sometimes don't really understand what it takes to accomplish them.
If we don’t have the discipline, the mindset, the experience and drive then there is no way we can execute our goals. As humans this leads to a low a rut the feeling of depression or regression so we give up and fall back into our normal routine. So what can we do to actually accomplish or start a new routine, well start and start small with really achievable goals each day!
Again from my experiences, simple small baby steps day by day over a long period of time creates a routine, which then forms a habit, which then over time we can turn into a lifestyle!! So no we are not a failures we just have to re think the game plan!
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Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Fat sick and nearly dead where’s our heads at? Everyday we try to be better rite. Baby steps that all it takes and some real dedication. It’s not an easy road thats paved with gold. We have to look into some areas of ourselves that are not so pretty, not so great, humiliating, embarrassing, and very painful with hurt, and regret. But on the other side boy oh boy!! Priceless and that’s facts!!
So when I hear my people (who are so powerful and amazing) not taking their health and growth seriously it takes me a moment to understand and invoke compassion. How is that or why is that you ask? Well, my dear friends let me tell you. So we as a people cannot claim we are too busy (to meditate, walk, work out, sip a t) when we spend 2 hours plus a day shit talking leaders of countries and others on line which is pretty much a waste of time in the big picture of things in life. We can’t claim we are to broke to eat healthy when you go and spend tens of thousands of dollars on face lifts or Botox or whatever the F£€k the cool kids are doing to their faces these days to keep looking 21 these days. Then on top of that you cannot claim ignorance to the fact that you don’t know better.
So as much as I get it .... I also don’t get it. To want the best for us as a society starts with each one of us representing to our fullest of abilities.
Hard times create strong people , strong people create good times, good times create very weak and very spoiled people. Its time we allow ourselves and our light to shine as bright as possible. No more dimming our light down!!
We talk Longevity through a Healthy lifestyle, a mix of Mental, Physical and Spiritual knowledge, the Mind, Body Soul trifecta - Negative 2 Positive Everyday
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Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Ricky Gervais fires, wars, climate change stop the lies! I tell you what we live in a time when fast food and fast headlines are killing us softly. Are we loosing our ability to think and do for ourselves.... yup I think so.
Nonetheless it’s a place in time that we each need to step into our own power, we need to take back our power. We need more people in position of influence to start maybe giving a little bit of a middle report on what’s going on.
It’s not so left or so right but let’s meet in the middle. It’s about hope and it’s about a purpose driven life. Let’s stop the quick fix BS lifestyle! The only people who are going to be able to save or help or better us, is us!
Yes, that mean's me and that mean's you. No one else truly gives a phuck this is just fact. They want to take our money our power our health or whatever it maybe, and the only way to combat that is to be mentally, physically and spiritually on point. The Strength is within us, it never left, we just forget we have it, because we have been told we don't have any.
We talk Longevity through a Healthy lifestyle, a mix of Mental, Physical and Spiritual knowledge, the Mind, Body Soul trifecta - Negative 2 Positive Everyday
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Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Snake oil sales man fuck em!! So so disappointed in all the broken people who continue to break people. The only reason it irks me is because these people I spoke to today damn well know they don’t have the answers, they don’t actually take care of themselves as they preach to others, they don't practice what they preach at all, and yet want to portray to people that they have it all figured out.
As well charge money to lead these people down an unreasonable path that leads to nowhere. For me, my take was that these groups I met with (whom asked for my opinion and help mind you) never put in the real work to get to the bottom of their own personal issues. Even the name of their talks or their course is just an absolute blatant lie to what they actually are and portray. If there was just a little honesty just a little realness I could have really got behind them, yet to fake and lie through social media and pictures just shows that the intent is not positive!
So why does any of this matter? Simply because us as a people need and must take our power back. Thus meaning we need to spot out the fakes and as well warn each other of these fakes so again we can empower ourselves.
It really is that simple by helping each other out we then empower each other to rise above. Fuck the fakers and fuck those who are trying to fake their way of taking money out of our pockets that we work very very hard for. Let’s watch out for each other and have each other back. Power back to the people.
We talk Longevity through a Healthy lifestyle, a mix of Mental, Physical and Spiritual knowledge, the Mind, Body Soul trifecta - Negative 2 Positive Everyday
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Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Fuck fear be inspired to live. It’s a new day it’s a new you. Why do we live in this self inflicted prison / fear state? We all have partners in our life from work to family and we are all under the same influences of these new energies hitting the planet currently. So none of us are special and none of are getting out of this without being effected.
Yet I urge all of us to try to take a few moments to analyze our reactions to opportunities, and our reactions to fear, and our reactions to our own thought process to how we respond to the things that come at us daily. If we can pause and simply put a little critical thinking into the 'why am I responding like this as I always do time after time?!'
We need to learn and by this I mean just a little push each day, little by little to be a tiny bit more confident then we were yesterday. To blossom into the human we were put on this planet to become. Fear is the control form that keeps each and every one of us in our own prison cell. Only we do that, and we do this to ourselves.
Getting the same results, weird right. Its time it’s 2020 and that means its time we look at all these opportunities that come up and push fear to the side. It’s our time it’s our life.
We talk Longevity through a Healthy lifestyle, a mix of Mental, Physical and Spiritual knowledge, the Mind, Body Soul trifecta - Negative 2 Positive Everyday
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Friday Jan 03, 2020
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Broken people break people, healed people heal people. If we are not looking up to those who are older than us and in amazing health then we are missing out on some of the best education available to us out there.
Really think about these are the type of people who have put in the real time, effort, and hard work to go through the ups and downs of what it is to heal to be better and to learn what works best. Guess what each one of us is capable of this as well it just takes time and effort. However the outcome of being healed is something that is not explainable unless you get to experience it.
This struggle and this process is not always fun but to live our best life if the entry point is a little discomfort then come on, what are we waiting for?
We have to look and seek info that is for some reason not promoted to the main stream people, yet in a lot of other cultures these older types are highly revered for their strength, health and knowledge, again something we are not at all use to.
Yet no matter what you hear or they say, it's our time, it's our right and our duty to be our best self possible and to take our power back!
We talk Longevity through a Healthy lifestyle, a mix of Mental, Physical and Spiritual knowledge, the Mind, Body Soul trifecta - Negative 2 Positive Everyday
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Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Ageism, Young and damaged young and clueless yet be inspired.
We continue on with the process of taking back our universal rite of being self empowered ok. This includes the poor view or the bigotry we all have been programmed to believe is true which is after you hit 25 life is over and you are old, your body will start falling apart have a couple kids get fat and take pills the rest of your life. Depressing or what.
Today while wishing an old business partner a happy birthday, his new partner who is a little younger was almost disappointed that the birthday boy was the best all around athlete in their gym.
From my studies all ancient groups knew as you aged you got stronger and smarter, yet as usual we do things a little backwards in the western culture don’t we.
Instead of praising this amazing ageing human he immediately wants to replace it with something younger?! Interesting rite!?! So for each one of us the time is now we are in the perfect storm to take over with the knowledge we have and the amazing smarts we have. It's our time to be our best and live our best life! That will lead to inspiring others in the same age categories to do the same!
We talk Longevity through a Healthy lifestyle, a mix of Mental, Physical and Spiritual knowledge, the Mind, Body Soul trifecta - Negative 2 Positive Everyday
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