Cultivating Community
We are RAVEN 425, we are not just an apparel Brand, we are a lifestyle of empowerment. We are not for everyone but we are looking for lions and lioness join us daily at
United By Stoke is RAVEN 425 -Chin Up Chest Out We Rise Above United By Stoke - Cultivating Community we are a lifestyle brand built on good vibes and building community bringing streetwear fashion with a splash of tropical funkyness! Our conversations are to empower, educate, and strengthen our minds Visit us
We are RAVEN 425, we are not just an apparel Brand, we are a lifestyle of empowerment. We are not for everyone but we are looking for lions and lioness join us daily at
Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
Its time to let you know that Raven 425 Rise Above and the United By Stoke Podcast is back in full swing.
It took some time but all is in place to keep the vibes rocking
If it was not for this community I would not still be here so thank you from the bottom of my heart to all who support us at Raven 425 Rise Above
I hope you all take this journey with me as we get into it on a lot of topcis coming up!!
Chin up Chest Out We Rise Above
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
The Scotch Creek Incorporation talk, this is not our normal discussion style topic however being part of a community and experiencing all we have gone through in this community as of late the chatter all around town seems to be pretty vibrant on this discussion topic.
There are a lot of people coming into the Raven asking questions and even more sitting around tables talking about it for hours, so we thought we would ask one of the people who is involved in and has been active in this process since around 2003.
I have heard business people, families, mothers, elders, and just every single concerned community member asking these certain this is how the talk went
If you have questions please bring them forward
All love all day for this amazing community!
The Raven Nation
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Give More Than You Take To Win, with the Raven Boys! If you want to build a lasting brand, company or business this is something we put at the top of list.
Some will get this, and some won't basically you either get it and live by it or you just won't get it and that is fine as well. However for those who get this, live by it, stand with it, and breath life into it.... you have won, in our hearts. More of this is needed in the world!
We speak on things we are selfish on, which to us at the very top of the list is our health which includes the mental, physical and spiritual. We will not compromise these items for 1 simple facts and that is; to be our best for this brand company and it's supporters we need to be our best self point blank. We want to be able to give each person 110% of ourselves, as well as each aspect of the company from cleaning the bathroom to designing the new Spring Line for the year.
We tend to shy far far away from those whom only extract from people or communities, and give less than they take, that to us just does not sit well nor fell right!
All love Fam until the next episode
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Change Your Mindset Change Your Life 2024 with the Raven Boys!
Ok so for this episode we changed locations and the mic, so we are continuously testing our sounds, we want our voices to be as sexy as they can!
We chat about how our mindset has evolved, changed and strengthened as we continue down this path called Raven425, and it is truly amazing to be able to have perspective of our own growth.
We want you the listener to understand the path is the path and its all about learning to keep the mindset on point, sharpened to a fine point! Listen there really is not any room for weak, negative and the defeating talk in your will weaken you and you will loose, so find ways to counter act that. Its not an easy mountain to climd or beast to tame but it is very very possible, as we are a perfect example.
So stick with us and come on the journey, you won't regret it!
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Online in 2022 vs Brick and Mortar in 2022 United By Stoke
Its just a fact we are in the Year 2022, we are in the Future that we all never though would be here. We are talking Metaverse, virtual reality, and just things we never thought were real unless in the movies or cartoons. So for the Entrepreneurs out there we are in that between area of what reality is our future of business going to be.
Shane and I got into the online aspect of RAVEN 425 as we first started, and things were pretty darn good to be honest, yet we did branch out into pop up shops and selling our gear out of Crossfit gym's aka Brick and Mortar stores and we were actually blown away with the response and how the old school way of doing business was actually still booming and alive. Which then changed our mindset of what our business actually would look like as we continued to move forward and grow the brand.
Moving forward how does one plan for the ever changing roadways ahead as everything changes on this landscape we call business. The fact is how humans do business will change, however humans will not change, we still want to touch, try on, be seen, hang out...and so on and so forth. As well some want nothing to do with the lines, the people, the waits ect and are happy to sit at home and order what ever it is they want.
With these options sitting in front of us the RAVEN BOYS will be and continue to attack both sides of this, we do not feel there is a better way, we do love to hang and meet our peeps so we will be expanding our brick and mortar area's this Spring Summer Fall or 2022 (this is extremely exciting for us) as well as continuing to keep up with all the online and future ways of doing business as we move forward.
This is simply a fact for all those doing business from now on anyway take a listen to our views and let us know what you think.
Much Love from the RAVEN Boys
Friday Jan 14, 2022
Friday Jan 14, 2022
Friday Jan 14, 2022
Our #1 Go to Process for 2022 is Patience
Our #1 Go to Process for 2022 is Patience, for this brand, for business, for life, for dreams, for our future. This has come about after being involved in Raven 425 Apparel for 2 years now, and it's something that has just organically come into our head space.
For all of us trying to live our dreams, follow our dreams, fulfil our dreams, most of us don't think it can happen quick enough, but the fact is anything that comes that fast (most of the time, not all the time) will fade just as quick. So do you want to be a quick flash in the pan or do you want to be a long lasting glowing sunset?
To be honest its simple because there is zero foundation being built on, and the foundation is the key. The process is the key and for that you need and must adhere to PATIENCE!
So if we give the example of building a house, we would not landscape the property first so that it looks all sexy and slick for all to see when the bulldozers have not yet broken the ground to pour the concrete...that makes sense right?!
Yet we all want the billion dollars, the million followers, and the fame overnight....It's the same damn thing. We got to put in the work and we have to respect the time and patience it takes to actually build something REAL, and something that will last!
We have all heard of the 1 hit wonders that come and go, the lottery winners that make a million and then they are broke the next week, the accounts that go viral off 1 video never to repeat that success again, that is what happens without the foundation, the process, the PATIENCE of building a lasting empire.
So as always the Raven Boys give it to you real and lay out the lessons learned over the past 2 years, and how we plan to move forward with this knowledge and Process in 2022!
Always sending you love
The Raven Boys
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
United By Stoke 3 Business Tips For 2022
So it is the New Year, 2022, it is another day, it is a new day, and that means time to make it happen in 2022! So we have for you 3 business tips from us the Raven Boys which we are either implementing or will continue to implement in 2022.
So coming in at #1 is NO Fear. If the one thing this last 2 years has taught us is; we can not get back time. For myself and for Shane we both look at it and will continue to look at it (and to some point base decisions off this) we are not promised tomorrow, and what if today was our last day.
This gets us out of our comfort zone and leads us to NO Fear for the future, we trust in the process! BTW that is not at all easy and it's something that must be done over and over again to make it an easier process.
The #2 Tip will be to Find Our People, again with no time to waste or not time to mess around with, why be around people who either don't get us, don't understand us, don't believe in us, bring us down, and so on and so forth.
So why put yourself in that situation? Why would any of us waste time, energy and our soul to sit around those who don't support us and that possibly we don't support them? So find those who do support, those that inspire, those that make us smile. Again we have a short time to make our dreams a reality so let us not waste any more time not trying to make our purpose felt on this amazing planet!
Tips #3, and this one is just apart of our culture and that is Good Vibes only, with all the doom and gloom being dealt out why not spread love and positive vibes, it is a much easier way to be. It is our natural state to be happy, to be in love with life, to be blessed by this life. We feel it's all to easily forgotten when the bad news keeps being pushed down our throats. So we will be upping our good vibe spreading for 2022.
Again we are not some bunny hugging, foo foo, full of crap brand. We are human we have ups and downs, but again the game plan is to have way, way, way more ups for 2022!
In the show we snuck in a 4th tip cuz we love to over deliver... as always we appreciate you and can't wait to rock with you all this year!
The Raven Boys
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
United By Stoke It's all about You!
The last few weeks have just been crazy for us here at Raven 425 Apparel, but you know that crazy in a good way. Shane and myself have been at it for the spring line up for 2022, an expansion of our flagship store in the interior of BC, Canada and finally knocking on doors to get into more stores out there....However those are other episodes Shane and I are recording, today it is all about you.
Why do we say that?
A very simple answer as we were about to leave on a super quick 3 day trip where we had meetings set up out the whaazoo there were snow fall warnings, the roads were crap, we were tired, you know all that cry baby came to us.
We did not actually have an answer, we for sure could have just pulled the plug but we both looked at each other and just trusted that something bigger was at play. We did not know exactly what that even meant at the time (we will be doing a couple episodes going deeper into what actually transpired) but we knew it was about being there for this squad for the Raven And United By Stoke Community.
Honestly it is because of you that we push ourselves to be better to deliver the best product and show up every damn day!
For that we are beyond humbled and appreciate each and every one of you more than you can know!
Much Love, The Raven Boys
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
United By Stoke Building Your T Shirt Branding Step By Step
So another episode and Shane is in the Building, and we are talking about the road taken from Step 1 of "hey I want to print a T-shirt" to ok I sold all those T-shirts and I want to re print, and so on and so forth. From 1 shirt to 10 shirts to 100 shirts then adding to your brand as each level you hit in your company.
What does it take? How does it work? What is the first step, how do you grow it, how do you sell it?
These are all questions we get from people wanting to know our process and these are all the question we have come across as we grow each step of this brand. There is always something new to attempt to overcome grow and get to the next step in ever growing your brand and company.
Nothing is straight forward and honestly nothing is easy, but if you have some skills, if you have hustle, if you have trust, and most of all if you believe in yourself and in the process (which WILL NOT HAPPEN OVERNIGHT) sky is the limit.
The biggest take away we have is simple enjoy the process, have fun with it, create a community and build it day by day
Appreciate the time squad as always we go live every morning on Tik Tok and check out the store here
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
United By Stoke Finding Our Way Brick and Mortar
Today finally Shane has made it into the studio to bless us with his 2 cents!
This last few weeks for us has been interesting and challenging when it comes to finding ourselves a new store front in the town we call home.
Why You Ask?
Well, its all about our belief our perspective and our brand foundation. We have been (all be it very blessed) asked into a few shops that are already established, local and have a following, which is just an amazing opportunity for us here at RAVEN 425. Honestly that is a super blessed place to be in these unique times for sure....however!
For us its about our fundamentals the brand cannot be and will not be compromised, so what does that actually mean for us, and or what the phuck are we talking about rite? Well, we stand behind very strongly by the way certain views and certain ways to do business, so when we come into someone else place we need to first off respect their house. We need to make them more than we make ourselves and we need to provide them more value than they do us, which will take us a phuck ton of work to deliver!
So for us it is NOT possible to do this if our hands have been tied by the rules and regulations they follow.
One quick example of that would be lets say; the store owner saying we do not play music in this location as it's a zen zone, which is their way. Again how would we do in that type of environment when we usually bring a very island happy upbeat style of music pop-in off in the speakers, we are both pretty high energy and extremely talkative to all clients who enter the area. Well, it might not go so well in our humble opinion and why would that be....
Time is the most valuable asset we have do not waist it ever!
All Love the RAVEN BOYS
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