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United By Stoke is RAVEN 425 -Chin Up Chest Out We Rise Above United By Stoke - Cultivating Community we are a lifestyle brand built on good vibes and building community bringing streetwear fashion with a splash of tropical funkyness! Our conversations are to empower, educate, and strengthen our minds Visit us
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Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Age Ain't Nothing But A Number #IYP
We have all heard this before (well at least I have) that Age Ain't Nothing But A Number (but to be honest when I hear it, it is usually is said when looking at an older guy with a younger women). However today it's all about the fact that we (yup each and every one of us) can be and get better no matter what our date of birth. Today's chat started out again in a gym and with a community of like minded people all looking to better themselves.
So this spot where I train, I had meet this guy early in his transformation (I guess we can call it that) and at the start I thought nothing much of it other than it was awesome to see an older guy in the gym getting at it as we call it. He was fairly new maybe a month or two in (which meant he was coming in and doing some light work maybe 2 or maybe on a good week 3 times). So again I thought what a great guy, and good for him for breaking the routine and the STIGMATA that hey once you hit a certain age there is not point in going to a gym. He was putting in the work, he was not (from what he told me) in a great place as far as joint pain, flexibility and over all movement and or strength, hence why he started coming to a gym with a head coach and owner that solely bases his program on "integrative movement and health"
On that note as with any of us when we start, we are really just trying to get our body use to moving again, stretching into area's we could not get to before and some of the simplest form's of movement as an easy way to just ease the body and mind back into that youthful form and mentality. Again by also implementing it just a few days a week this also allows recovery (because there will be soar muscles and areas after each session) so by giving yourself a few days in between each visit, you again are getting your body use to this "NEW THING" you are doing to it.
By that (the early start of this process) point he was already starting to notice difference's in himself, now on the outside and to other probably not yet, but the little things such as getting up and down off the toilet, walking up the stairs, putting on your shoe's, all these things get a lot easier to do.
Ok fast forward 6 months, this is the time that had gone by since the last time I had personally trained with him (as I leave the Island for that long)
I was blown away, absolutely astonished. There are no words other than amazing. Honestly - ok so first off this guy stuck with it. Just that in itself for any of us is like next level, there are very few people who can stick to a program first off to start one, then to go after it for the rest of your life as part of your routine. To be honest (as with anything, such as soto zen, working out, or krav Maga training) people either come once and never again, or fall off was it becomes a little to hard or uncomfortable.
Anyway back to the point here, I was blown away, the movement, the stamina, the strength, the agility, the happiness, the joy, the flexibility, was like 110% different then it was 6 months prior.
This again within a relatively short period of time, allowing this young buck to be active in the everyday life of his grandchildren!
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Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
No Respect For Authority or Your Health #IYP
Ok as always I am using things in today's show that have been happening to me, or through me from the Universe to teach me things either in myself that need light shined on them or lesson's I need to learn so that I can continue to improve and evolve as a human being that wants to do better and be the best version of himself! That take's me to today where I sat on a secluded beach (an area that not a lot of people know about and as well not a lot of people go to) this beach is in a very posh area and there are a lot of high end homes on this beach area. Which brings me to todays's conversation piece which is; all the money in the world can not make up for not having your health!
So I was told about this quiet beach that basically only the people who live around it use, it is very small, clam, and quiet, so perfect I thought for me on this day to go and get some soaking in of the sun water and sand. All the while as well being able to meditate in the form of quiet sitting as well as slow quiet walking. I was kind of pumped to be honest to try something new. This spot did not disappoint at all, perfect to say the least.
Here is where the lesson's for today kick in, in this area there were about 5 different families but they all knew each other possibly spending the holiday's together. I was the alone outsider off to the side but again it was not a huge area so all talk was very accessible to the ear's of everyone. So while in meditation eye's closed I heard a lot of typical family banter and bitching, which is par for the course in every single family. As well the kids seemed very high maintenance from the word's and attitude they delivered back to the parents, but that again could just be the season, the excitement or being in a group around friends.
After maybe an hour or so the mother's all seemed to leave together for a group appointment. This is where I started to notice that all the father's of the group where all kinda look a like's, meaning they all had their phone's on them, using them, while connected to their ear buds on calls and half heartedly paying attention to the kids (making deals maybe?) as well they all shared the same body type...extra large in the gut, and again I am not hear to judge but just stating a fact for the health aspect of this conversation.
This lead to what can only be described for me as I watched an emotionally sad state when this one father wanted the young children to do something and the children either ignored him or flat out told him off, and the father's being so big could not muster up the energy or strength to get up and get after them. Instead it looked like to me this energy of being embarrassed and ashamed of themselves.
Now I do not know the inner working of the family and that is not for me to care about or judge, however to be our best self, the best version of ourselves for our children seems to almost be the duty of a parent and for the child not to respect the parent for being that big (please listen to the podcast for a more in-depth understanding of the situation) is a sad thing to witness, a humbling thing to experience and yet another reason to always strive to be on point with our health.
We need to lead by example for the next generation!
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Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Longevity Health Institute For Ourselves #IYP
Oh Boy, in this Episode I can barley catch my breath as I was just trying to get all the info that has been coming into my reality from all the different people I have been blessed to sit down with and be educated by, super blessed! So as you listen you can hear the excitement and urgency that I am trying to portray into your ear buds as you listen!
So again one of the main purpose's of this show is to get out the importance of "us" the person who own's and take's care of the body we have been given by being born. A duty I think a lot of us overlook, and possibly do not understand because we have never been told or taught to focus on it. I feel that this longevity 'thing' that we speak about is part of the future for us as a people as a major part of the economy and mindset of the main stream as we move forward into the coming years.
Now the one thing that has become very visible for us all is the instability of the world we currently live in and by that I mean religion, politics, environment and health are all hot topics that can divide people very quickly. We can all feel this, and I can not put my finger on it as far as words go but I would say this uncertain feeling or this feeling of inevitable change, no matter which way that change goes, just change. I personally feel from all the studying that I have done on the human mind and the fact that we as a people have this Negative Bias embedded into our DNA (meaning we are always looking for danger to avoid think cave man) so with that fact I think most of us tend to look at worst possible outcome a lot of the times. Maybe even passing over or choosing not to see that there could be a possibility that we need to go through some turbulence to get to the smooth sailing. Just a thought.
Ok so over the last few days the amount of people I have met, spoken to, and been advised by that are seeing this bright, robust, energized, future have infected me with this amazing new outlook for the health industry (which is where it started but then grew from there) and all these people were in very very different industries and all had the same vision the same energy and attitude, that the future is very bright!
So for each and every one of us, the time is know, today is the first day of the rest of our life, time to make it count! Love you all~
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Monday Apr 01, 2019
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Monday Apr 01, 2019
The Millennial Problems Is It Really A Thing? #IYP
Ok so on today's show I wanted to talk about something that is currently vibing in my world and these two topics are going hand in hand. I happen to be reading a book called GRIT ( I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a good read and drive). As well I am and have been in discussion and debate with some parents and business owners about this millennial hot topic for the times as everyone seems to be jumping on this topic with some type of opinion or take on it.
So first off the book, I mean it is just full of facts, notes, interviews with people which many of them were kinda written off at a young age, and it goes through how they got to the top of their respected area's of expertise and as well what the mindset behind this type of human is. Meaning why do some give up if told by an authority figure (parent, teacher, school, doctor or whom ever) that they just won't or can't or are not able to cut the mustard. Then on the flip side of that those same type of student's, athletes, musicians, artist's, engineers or whom ever take that as a challenge and go out to get what they were told they could not have.
All in all a great read for each of us who continue to strive to reach the goals we continue to set for ourselves!
As for this millennial talk I mean it seem's as though everyone has an idea as to why, this and that, you know just everyone has the answer. Some of the followers of The Ignite Your Purpose show have asked some question's which I then in turn started to pay attention to. This is where it get's interesting for me, as some of the questions/statements are coming from parents, and on the other side you have the entrepreneurs/business people who are trying to work with or hire some of these millennial types. So a very well rounded totally different ends of the spectrum take on it all.
Again not really the point of the conversation but what is the point is that this kid I met on Christmas night, while I was out at a meeting (yes trying to get my hustle on and expand my opportunities) which was running behind I met this kid, who gave me this look like can I ask you something. So I said hello, to which he asked immediately if I knew what this line meant on this piece of paper he was filling out. Yup he was filling out a job application, and yes it was Christmas Day!
So in the end I do not think Judgement or lumping a whole group of people into the same basket is a viable way to determine the pulse of a group. I think 100% some fit the bill and then on the other end I think some do not at all fit into the box. We have to walk a mile in their shoe's to understand and you know we cannot judge a book by its cover!
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Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Energy Manifestation, And Why It Matters #IYP
I mean the lesson's are everywhere if we just open our eye's to them and admit to ourselves that we truly don't have all the answer's and basically that we don't really know sweet F all about anything pretty much. So every chance is a chance to learn and improve and if we start looking at it like that well then sky is the limit!
So on today's show I wanted to discuss the power of our energy and intent. Ok I know that is sorta out there on the fu fu wu wu scale but I personally experienced it again today and have to share it with you because there was no way this was not exactly related to the energy and intent a group of us were putting out and how it affected a group completely separate from us, but very close to our vicinity. This was not a maybe or kinda sorta it was fully measurable and obvious to all to experience.
It's Christmas Eve and the hustle and bustle is real, we are finishing a work out with 30 plus people and the area we are in is busy as there are a ton of people maybe another 20 plus waiting in line for some fruit bowl at the stand in front of the gym, as well just a lot of people hanging out and talking.
A group of us were asked by a yoga teacher if we wanted to do a stretch out, relax and mediation session for around 30-45 minutes, and there was about 12 of us who took up this amazing offer.
Now as we started the noise level must have been 12 on a scale of 1-10. We could barley hear what the instructor was saying that is how loud the voices were from people just doing what people do. As you all know (or some may not) I am very practiced at awareness so this is something I focused on immediately, how I was taking internally getting into a relaxed state while it was like a dance party 15 feet away from us. This is something we focus in on in our class because any one of us should be able to get into a relaxed meditative spot no matter what is going on (think of loud crying babies on an airplane and all you want to do is sleep). There is a reason we truly focus all efforts on our internal not the external.
So again this was why I was fixated on this issue from the beginning. So this light relaxing music get put on as well very very low, we can just barley hear it, the instructor has not changed the level of her voice and continues to talk in this soft relaxing soothing speak while we hold these hold, stretches, poses and take these very deep slow breaths which is putting us into this much deeper state of relaxation. We are now maybe 8 minutes in, and I continue to put some attention on the noise level of the crowd, almost allowing it to relax me as well.
At this point I notice the noise level going down to a 9, I can hear the music clearly now, and am not missing anything the instructor is saying. At this point she is pushing us more and more into breath work and holding lighter easier poses for longer. This again taking us even deeper into relaxation, myself personally at this point I am starting to get into a very deep relaxed state, you know when you just begin to feel like jelly.
We hold this pose for maybe 5 minutes, no words from the instructor, just 12 of us taking long deep breaths, with a pause then deep exhales so breathing is all you hear mixed with this light relaxing spa type music in the speakers. After those 5 minutes the crowd is no longer yelling just talking like any one of us would in a work place, the kids do not seem to be as hyped up the yelling and obnoxious laughing has gone. I start thinking that everyone can feel the change happening. I find this to be a very cool experience at this point. I fully know the energy has been subdued.
It get's even better, we are now eyes close laying down and asked to meditate no more holding poses or stretches, just eyes closed, almost sleep time. While the instructor does some visualization talking. Again I am paying attention not only the internal but the external, I am internally jello, gone, relaxed and astute with my meditation while paying attention to the crowd. Now because my eyes were closed I thought that the crowd had almost all gone, I did not hear anything so much so that the music seemed kinda loud and at this point the instructor was whispering to us. So I just assumed there were very few people left out there.
As we open our eyes and come out of this little enjoyable relax time, I turn around to see that there is still a lot of people outside. Enjoying their fruit bowls in almost absolute silence, just being present with the sun the air and the taste of the fruit. Nothing else added or needed.
For me one of the coolest experience of the power of group energy and how it effects every thing around us!
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Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Doing Good Deeds For Others #IYP
On today's show I go over how it truly is the small things that make a massive change in this world. The change comes from within to make the change on the outside or our exterior world.
So I was at the beach I had been on a long walk up and down the beach and how I do that is a slower style walk where I pay attention to every step I make how the air feels, when I move a foot upwards, how the sand feels in and on my toes and feet, and how the water interacts with all the movements. In those moments all you do is pay attention to your movement and by default you end up paying attention to your surroundings. This is also Known as a walking meditation.
From there I went into a sitting meditation again just listening to the water and wind as well as all the happenings around me, this is where I really began to notice all the complaining, anger, snappiness, short tempers and yelling that was happening with from what I heard was a lot of families and the parents dealing with the children. There was a lot of back and forth between the parents and the kids it did not seem like happy vibes and or energies I was feeling or hearing on the beach. Truly a little bit of a weird time for it being beach time, vacation time, happy time.
Here is where it all began to change. I came out of meditation to see a group of around 10 people walking into the area we were all in, they had a Santa suit, camera's, lights I mean it was about to be a full photo shoot happening on the beach...kinda cool to be honest.
Now the minute and I mean from the first minute the first kids saw Santa on the beach saying that out loud, and then it spreading to all the other kids on the beach it was an instantaneous mood change or energy change. The kids voice's changed, their stature changed, their curiosity changed, their energy changed, the entire mood on the beach was incredible like a dominos effect this was all within 2, maybe 3 minutes. Then immediately after that all the parents mood changed they were happy to see the kids happy, taking pictures of the kids looking on in curiosity, shy but inspired. So so cool to watch in live time let me tell you.
This is where and how we as a people and as a single person can make the world of change. Ok so obviously this team of marketer's or agency where at work, but when you see 12 to 20 little children maybe between 4 and 8 years of age ish gathered around looking and whispering and saying hi Santa kinda still shy but super excited and not really knowing (as well as the parents) if they were able to go hug her (it was a female in the outfit) say hello, tell her what they wanted for Christmas and the parents also not knowing if they could take pictures, confusion right.
Santa then piped up and said come on over, at the same time waving the parents over who had their phones and camera's right ready to go, but just waiting for the OK, and boom this rush of kids running over maybe 15 feet to jump around Santa.
The happiness was contagious, that child like feeling was contagious, the excitement was contagious, and for the adults remembering that child like mind priceless. In that moment the anger, distress, sadness, snappiness, was all long forgotten and love filled the joke.
All the while the camera guys and gals, the lighting team, the director, all just sat there enjoying the moment as well, not rushing, not saying no, just allowing this incredible happiness to flow. Such an amazing experience to see and such a good feeling to know that humanness triumphed again over the thoughts of time and money!
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Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Cross-fit Mentality For Longevity Good or Bad? #IYP
So something that has been apart of my life for the last 3-4 years is this work out style called Cross Fit. Now I am very, very aware of all the negative press as well as positive press that comes with the type of booming growth and spotlight that this specific regime has come under, I mean it's under a spot light. So please no matter what you have heard and maybe have your pre conceived thoughts on let me give you my personal vibe on the matter.
So first off the gym scene and men in general is a recipe for Ego, the Flex, the machismo, the who's bigger, badder, stronger, tougher, aka Dick measuring you all know what I am talking about. Now that is relevant in every gym, and I have seen it at many Cross fit gym's as well, however it truly only happens before you become part of the community. What do I mean by that, well you honestly have to come experience what goes down in the gym, but a quick once over would be this - ego goes away because the group that you happen to be in class with at what ever hour you happen to be there is only there to be better than they were yesterday. So coming in with this ego or attitude that you are better than everyone (which does happen) does not get any love, because the person who get's it done fastest or slowest get the same amount of cheering and love.
So if you were the type of person who has to be Bad Ass all the time, you probably would not end up in a gym like this. So the vibe in the gym is one of wanting to do better for each and everyone no matter where you athletic level is.
Again as with any gym there are owners, and coaches who have visions as to what fit is. For some it maybe strength which involves heavy lifting, some gym's may focus on cardio and gymnastics get it. Ok and myself I am look for Longevity and smart training.
What Does that mean exactly? Well again it's going to the base of your health routine, ok so I want proper stretching, I want a proper warm up of the muscle and body parts/areas that are going to be used during the planned work out, I want the proper techniques taught to me for the best possible lifting I can do so that I DO NOT INJUR MYSELF, I finally want the proper cool down and roll out the areas I just used for the last 90 minutes! Boom Yes that is what I look for in my healthy lifestyle training.
I am in it for the Long Haul, I have seen the older guys who did not warm up and can barley move once they get into the 50 plus years, this does not interest me, meaning having that short term LOOK that BEACH BODY early in life then to suffer later in life.
Not at all interested in that crap, however the people I have studied male and female who work out smart, and properly, and eat smart and properly again based on their body type and structure well then sky is by far the limit. Those type of people who are still rocking it out of the park in their 50's, 60's, 70's plus...that's my game plan
I hope you do the same for yourself by following the same type of structure!
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Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Sugar the Silent Killer, What do we know? #IYP
So on today's show I have to speak up about the conversation I have found myself in this morning with 3 gentlemen or guys or dudes whatever, who are beyond smart when it comes to pretty much everything except when it came to the smart's about health.
So every morning on my month long healing retreat I wake up around 5 (ish) for a 6 am training call which last's around 90 minutes this includes body knowledge, stretching, weight's, and then a work out 'HIIT' style also known as Cross-fit. For the last 5 days there has been a group of highly highly intelligent group of guys 3 of them and I mean that type of uber smart that is next level their business's and investments where well above my brain power in understanding. Great group of guys and I am and have able to learn so much from them. Now to today's hot topic!
So they had taken me out for lunches and dinner the last few days and this morning I said breakfast is on me, let hit Brekki Bowls (which is a fruit base almost fruit smoothy base, then with fresh cut berries and or fruits on top with peanut butter and a few other toppings) this bowl is amazing, it is light, it is healthy, it is nutrition, it is straight from mother earth and made with love by the owner. So again I wanted to treat them to this beauty!
However the reaction by these highly intelligent guys absolutely blew my mind. The first words out of their mouth's was hey we are "Keto" (nothing against any diet style on my end and no judgement) and the next words were so we don't do sugar.Which I was in full agreement with no sugar to me that means the crap the bleached, redefined, artificial, crap to me that makes sense? However to say to me anyway that fruit is just as bad as white sugar, I mean I was lost to be honest.
I asked these uber smart mofo's so you are telling me the body does not recognize the difference between a table spoon of white sugar aka death on the spoon and a hand-full of blueberries? To that they answered no it does not Sugar is Sugar.
This is one of the reason's for Ignite Your Purpose, we have to open belief's like this up to discussion because I just can not agree or understand that train of thought. Mother Nature did not make fruit's and veggies for no reason I fully believe from my knowledge they are here for us to eat to heal!
Please let me know your thoughts on this
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Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Fat is the New Skinny, is this True? #IYP
So we talk about in this episode the fact that My man Joe Rogan addressed the magazine issue with the bigger girl on the cover, and the reason this came into my reality is that this same magazine was brought into the gym where I was working out by this beautiful female couple. Now the one girl wanted to start up this amazing lifestyle we call healthy and we also involve cross-fit into it.
Now her other half had the magazine in hand and was and continued through the entire orientation and class referring to this magazine as the new bible and how big/fat was the future and that working out and healthy was sorta a thing of the past. This was a massive eye opener for me, as I watched one human being wanting to better herself, feel better, look better, think better, be stronger while her soul mate was bamboozled into thinking because there was a big and by the way sexy women on the cover of a magazine that it was ok to be that way. To stay being big, and unhealthy because you saw it on a paper somewhere one time, and yes I personally do believe they will continue to push this simply because they want us to be unhealthy because I personally think that there is more money in it for cooperations to have the population Un healthy but that's just me.
So it is something I feel had to be talked about is this right to be pushing a Un proven lifestyle so that we as a people can continue to be lazy and unmotivated about our health, because yes this is not easy work, but again from experience nothing will ever taste as good as healthy feels #FACTS!!
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Saturday Mar 23, 2019
Saturday Mar 23, 2019
Saturday Mar 23, 2019
Fast Food Industry Trends and What That Means For Us #IYP
So on today's show I go over a chat I had with a group of people in the food industry and the investing industry. We got to talking about the evolution of human's on the planet, convenience in the last 100 years, investing trends and as well as health trends. The conversation was with people who were very switched on in their respected fields and had knowledge that I had not been introduced to as far as facts dating back to before my time when it came to marketing numbers as well as how fast food and convenience foods have grown over the past 50 years.
Some of these facts and numbers were very mind numbing to be honest. When we look at things from the perspective of an ant, you cannot really see the entire picture like you could as an eagle soaring high above. When you think of the rise and fall of past civilizations, when we see things in what most call hindsight yes then we can understand and gain some perspective but when we are right in the middle of it, as it is happening I don't think we can truly see what it is that is happening right in front of our eyes.
We have apps now that can deliver us food so we never have to leave the house, we have business, and investment into AI and virtual reality. These things are maybe going to be awesome, but do any of us at this moment think of the health reality for the youth coming up, or ourselves. It is going to be so easy within years to have things delivered to our homes so that we can continue to focus on whatever it is that we want to be doing, and I have a feeling as with most investments and business that it will all be money driven so having said that, do we honestly think that the ingredients and vegetables and meats will be of the highest and healthiest qualities?
Meaning if we don't at this point start paying attention to our health, sooner or later the world we live in won't even remember what it is to cook for yourself, or know that physical activity is a thing.
If we think back to groups like the Spartan's and we think know that only 12% of the North American population is physically fit, we have to ask ourselves what in the Phuck Happened!!
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