Cultivating Community
We are RAVEN 425, we are not just an apparel Brand, we are a lifestyle of empowerment. We are not for everyone but we are looking for lions and lioness join us daily at
United By Stoke is RAVEN 425 -Chin Up Chest Out We Rise Above United By Stoke - Cultivating Community we are a lifestyle brand built on good vibes and building community bringing streetwear fashion with a splash of tropical funkyness! Our conversations are to empower, educate, and strengthen our minds Visit us
We are RAVEN 425, we are not just an apparel Brand, we are a lifestyle of empowerment. We are not for everyone but we are looking for lions and lioness join us daily at
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Monday Jan 11, 2021
United By Stoke Boss Lady Moves Ep 2
Boss Lady Moves 2 with @doinlifewithsam
Sam is such a BOSS - u guys have no idea! This strong women was not feeling 100% today yet she showed up for us and for you guys.
To be honest we were blown away - then as usual she knocked it outta the park with knowledge on how she made herself overcome the feeling of NOT WANTING TO... and we all know that feeling all to well.
How many times do we decide to not do something?
Having said that the times we do decide to overcome that feeling just remember how good we all felt. Guys we appreciate you all! See you next Friday with @doinlifewithsam
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
United By Stoke Ep 1 Boss Lady Moves
This Series is for all the Women who are looking to start something New in 2021, from a health routine to entrepreneurship, we discuss it all!
Our first LIVE with @doinlifewithsam all the way live from #mauihawaii
We are blessed to know this 💪 strong women
Find out here back ground from military to coaching and why we both think health and our personal empowerment is the future!!💥🙏Episode 1 is in the books
Its all about the new Mindset for 2021, we take back our power as step 1.
We at this point need to understand who we can and can't be surrounded by
We Spread Love, join us live every Friday
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Is it Epidemic or Scamdemic The 2020 Debate
Something we need to start to understand is the Spartan Mentallity~ I do not say this half assing it. Look what is happening to men in these times, yes I mean a good portion of the grown men still living at home with mommy and daddy. How in general men are being raised (again not all but we are speaking the majority).
I personally feel it will be the empowered women who take us to the next level, and again I use the word EMPOWERED very very highly!
So if we can just meet in the middle, if we can just hold our tongue and pause before we react to what is being said out loud by others who may not agree with what it is we think it correct. On the flip side if the other people can just pause and try to understand that it is ok to have different thoughts. It is ok to have different ideas, this is part of being HUMAN.
It does seem now more than ever that there are only ever going to be 2 teams and that we must pick a side...but I dont agree with that, we must take all sides and then make an informed path and plan moving forward!
1 love
We talk Longevity through a Healthy lifestyle, a mix of Mental, Physical and Spiritual knowledge, the Mind, Body Soul trifecta - Negative 2 Positive Everyday
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Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
How to be the Best You Sparta 2020
Do you remember the movie 300? Sparta and the Spartans, now more than ever we need this type of mindset, this type of dedication, this type of conviction in ourselves.
If we each did our best to be our best, I personally feel we would each feel and create a sense of empowerment like never before. We are each so use to having someone else make decisions for us, while following the rules, which has lead us all astray.
If for one moment you can think about or invision a wild horse. A wild horse is what we once were. Go look at a video of a wild horse, then take a look at a video of a horse that has been tamed. This is us....
We talk Longevity through a Healthy lifestyle, a mix of Mental, Physical and Spiritual knowledge, the Mind, Body Soul trifecta - Negative 2 Positive Everyday
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Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
How To Overcome The Negative Influence of Others
Why Do we let others Dim our Light? Why do we let others opinions influence who we are and how we act and interact with others? Why do we let society police our behaviours and actions?
This is something I continue daily asking myself and continue daily working on for my self to continue to elevate into the person I am meant to be and am becoming.
Even after all these years of training and looking inwards and overcoming all the programming (sorry still trying to overcome) and all the pre hardwiring in my mind, I have found myself down playing my actions and who I am to either please, appease and or keep the peace with others I have chosen to work with, be around or partnered up with.
I say this out loud to myself and each one of you, UNACCEPTABLE! This Is No Way To LIVE - Life is to short to Dim YouR LIGHT for anyone...ever...PERIOD!
If they do not respect you enough, or respect who you are, then why would any of us ever choose to be around them???
It's them who are fearful, worried and care about what others think, so they use that fear to try to influence us into the NORAML BOX, that they have accepted!
F that and F them!! NEVER EVER STOP BEING YOU!!
With Love~
We talk Longevity through a Healthy lifestyle, a mix of Mental, Physical and Spiritual knowledge, the Mind, Body Soul trifecta - Negative 2 Positive Everyday
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Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Real Men Spartans and Corna Virus 2020 And Beyond
This is Sparta, do you remember the movie 300?
Yes, I know it was just a movie, however there is a small factor of truth from that movie, the fact that all civilization, all ancient cultures had a group of men a group of warriors who rose up and protected the tribe.
These men, (and yes absolutely if you dig deep enough there were even tribes of females that were bad ass monsters who protected their tribes, family and or group) but the fact being they had a mentality they had a will and a duty to survive and thrive.
In the current times we are in, wow are we in the gutter to say the least, men are mainly lost puppies that can not make a decision unless the women in their life does it for them. So first off it is a fact that women are the mentally stronger group currently (again this is not every single man or every single female, but in gereral).
The military men types I train with...boss, I mean unreal strength mentally and physically, but outside that most men I know are in their 30's and still living in mama's basement and mama paying the bills, and so be it right.
Having said that so who the phuck is going to lead during these trying times? Not those sissies rite!!!
Most of the physical trainning I do is mostly women demographically, and again of course there are men, lots of men, but the majority are women...bad ass women who run shit! Boy I love it and I love their strength and beauty. They will lead!
The main thing to understand in this time the time where we all as humans need to level up, show up, excel, overcome, thrive and survive, the ones who have been babied, or to call it what it is are soft as shit, will be left behind. We need leaders, we need strong ass humans to push forward.
Step up, stand up, and take what is yours...empower oursleves! Lets go!!
We talk Longevity through a Healthy lifestyle, a mix of Mental, Physical and Spiritual knowledge, the Mind, Body Soul trifecta - Negative 2 Positive Everyday
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Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Bare Foot And Learing The Ancient Ways The Simple Things
I am super tired of all the weekend warriors out there who take a course (which is amazing by the way, love the fact we are all trying to better ourselves) but so so so so many of the students and practitioners I run into seem to think that there is this elaborate spiritual hierarchy that only a few people get to experience.
Absolute BS! There are no better there are no worse, there is only those who do, an those who sorta do, and then those who fake it!
So one of my biggest lesson on this last ancient session I was on, was so so simple that it actually shook something in my core, the saying IT IS THE SIMPLE THINGS, rang very true.
So remember it is the Simple Things.
I was the last one in line on our hike the "old timer" the man who has had the ancient knowledge passed down to him in his line of lineage, stopped me at the trail head and said "You Are Ready".
Ok so I trust, that is all. I trust.
No clue what he means, what we are doing, what the plan is. I get asked to take off my shoes and my shirt. Simple as pie.
Then we commence on the hike in quiet and alone as everyone else speed along.
The things I learned in silence, and saw while everyone speed past....Amazing and priceless.
Step up to 2020, step up to this new world we are embarking on, step up to your own power~
We talk Longevity through a Healthy lifestyle, a mix of Mental, Physical and Spiritual knowledge, the Mind, Body Soul trifecta - Negative 2 Positive Everyday
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Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Stop The Madness We Are Back
I had the chance to train with some of the most saught after technicians in the soto zen game. Very last minute and very out of the blue, which is how you know the universe wanted it to be this way. I was in the back woods, trainning and learning some very deep ancient ways. More than anything though I was working on myself, my higher self.
So it's time to call out all the BS out there, all the fear needs to stop, time to level up team. Amazing things to come!
We talk Longevity through a Healthy lifestyle, a mix of Mental, Physical and Spiritual knowledge, the Mind, Body Soul trifecta - Negative 2 Positive Everyday
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Friday Jan 17, 2020
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Friday Jan 17, 2020
AI TAKE OVER OR A CONSPIRACY THEORY? Good old Elon Musk must know some pretty cool things rite! Did you know that most technology in movies has already been out to governments ect for I think at least 10 years. Meaning movies are not able to show the most up to date tech. So the public is very much in the dark as to what the newest of new tech is. Interesting right
After an impromptu meet up at a local breaki spot today as a few of my people flew in for a wedding (which I was unaware of and not invited to) we braved the cold temps to have a quick sit down to just max, and relax, and shoot the S$%T as it were. The topic of discussion was the temp and how crazy cold it has been and for how long.
So not a let's save the world type conversation just classic 'we have not seen each other in a long time so lets catch up and just vibe'. Here is the unique thing for me when I (as always sit back and observe) the universe always teaches us something....Even when we are just gossiping!
The one friend who came in from a warm climate said so what is the temperature exactly, to which we all looked at our phones ( Just another fact of life). Boom and this is where it gets weird. 5 different people, 5 different phone, from 5 different place yet all geo tagged to the location we were all sitting in, and guess what.
5 different temperatures were given. Weird right? Which one was right? Why the different temps?
We made sure we were all on the same location, we all made sure our location was set to current and yet still these different temps. The range was well over 12 degrees between them all. This then lead into a very heated fire side talk about A.I, how we rely more and more on devices, how we really wouldn't have second guessed the temperature if one person said ohh it's "XX" degrees out. So how do we know what we are being given or told or what we ask the device is correct?
That's kinda a deep rabbit whole to go down isn't it. We have become headline readers only, we can't do math without using the phone, directions and numbers are a thing of the past as we just follow whats on the phone or app.
Our attention spans continue to drop and we want things quicker, so how in the end are we fact checking or double checking if what we are being told or given is correct???
Just a little thought that came up today!
We talk Longevity through a Healthy lifestyle, a mix of Mental, Physical and Spiritual knowledge, the Mind, Body Soul trifecta - Negative 2 Positive Everyday
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Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
DENTAL ASSISTANT AND MEXICAN FARMERS A TALE OF 2 WOLVES. We all have these 2 wolves in us, these 2 sides to us the good and the bad.
It took me almost 15 years to realize it is a must to embrace both sides and to not think one is better than the other or that one should never be used or looked at. In actuality they both serve a purpose for our greater goals and good. Without looking into our "dark side" or what in sotozen (the form of mindset study I practice) our shadow self. Which is the part of us we never ever want to shine a light onto. For many reasons including fear, embarrassment and shame.
So I had as always a conversation this morning where this shadow side and this mindset thing we all work on was brought to light for me in 2 different news articles from 2 different countries and ways of life.
The absolute best way to look at something if you want to grow in the spiritual aspect, meaning take out all the things we were taught and actually see things for what they are what they are meant to teach us!
Very difficult practice by the way! This allows us to shed light on things through a different lens if you will and we can see something (possibly) for the first time.
Without getting into all the details of what we go over in the show what was and is always right in front of us is some form of a lesson so that we are able to grow into the human we are meant to be.
For me I mention how when I first got into mindfulness studies that I ASSUMED that you had to be a push over, that I should not speak up for myself, defend myself, think in a negative way. Yet the other side of me which trained with bad ass fighters and military personal felt alive form this mentality and training. A TALE OF 2 WOLVES
The fact being we all need to take back our Universal right to self empowerment! Which is why the article of the Mexican Farmers who took matters into their own hands ( on numerous occasions by the way) by simply knowing whats actually right and wrong (and acting on it), not thinking what others will think of how I think of what is right and wrong have inspired many of us to look deep inside and take inventory on what it is we are doing here on this planet and what is the reason for being here on this planet!
We talk Longevity through a Healthy lifestyle, a mix of Mental, Physical and Spiritual knowledge, the Mind, Body Soul trifecta - Negative 2 Positive Everyday
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