Cultivating Community
We are RAVEN 425, we are not just an apparel Brand, we are a lifestyle of empowerment. We are not for everyone but we are looking for lions and lioness join us daily at
United By Stoke is RAVEN 425 -Chin Up Chest Out We Rise Above United By Stoke - Cultivating Community we are a lifestyle brand built on good vibes and building community bringing streetwear fashion with a splash of tropical funkyness! Our conversations are to empower, educate, and strengthen our minds Visit us
We are RAVEN 425, we are not just an apparel Brand, we are a lifestyle of empowerment. We are not for everyone but we are looking for lions and lioness join us daily at
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
The Future Looks Bright Once You Let It #IYP
So I have to let you all know how a piece of information that was told to me threw me into a tizzy for a few days because of all the wrong reasons.
You may ask what or why, so let me give you the background. I was leaving for a month away from my office and area, I had a few final calls and interviews to do before going, as I knew I would be offline due to travel and time changes for about 2 days. One of my last conversations was a massive exciting, high vibration, pump you up, type conversation, the sky is the limit conversation where you leave it thinking anything is possible. We chatted about the high hopes for the future of this here show, new gear (which I ordered that day) new avenues we were going to chase down, the private jets and world tours we would be doing in the next few months to years. Like it was a mind blowing type conversation...
But in the back of my mind I felt something was off, yet I paid no attention to it.
So 2 plus days later I get a text or email that once I finished reading it, felt like someone kicked me right square in my man junk area!
A very nice short and sweet email that said they were no longer interested in moving forward with me or the show (for their own reasons) and that was basically that.
In the grand plan of life not a major issues, but for me I was blind sided I had just ordered all this equipment, we talked about taking over the podcast game, so on and so on, to a complete 180 of, nope we are done.
It took me about 3 days to fully get out of the funk I had created for myself from this news. Yes, you heard me correctly the funk I had created for myself!!
I was tossed into such a negative thought process that I could not see the sunshine from my own ass! I was worried about all the wrong things and (now looking back) the most insignificant and stupid meaningless things. So by focusing on all of that I lost all of my own power and energy. I thought (for some weird and absolutely ridiculous reason) that I could not go on by myself, or it would be to hard by myself, or it would be to much work by myself, no one would listen to just me by myself (do you see a pattern here)?
This is the crazy thing, and this even after 10 plus years in the game of mind studies is I forgot I was doing this solo a year ago, I make music solo, I toured word of a lie when I was in my tizzy none of these empowering high vibration energies or thoughts came up...can you believe that. That is how focused on the lower self, negative energy and the reptilian brain I had been for a few days!
However by the end of the second day it all changed my meditations, grounding, high energy and high vibration team, crew, and family being around, and some universal guidance hit me all at once and I was like a pre teen with his first errection! There was no stopping me I knew immediately right then and there that this was the best thing that could have ever happened to me and even better yet for me!
Looking back a few weeks I truly do not know how I did it with a partner for the almost year that once was. I know now there is no other way for me then what is!
I am so blessed for this lesson of empowerment and the fact that I have the tools to overcome the power of the subconscious and reptilian mind! That part of the mind is one tough nut to crack!
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Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
How To Protect Yourself From Negative Energy #IYP
How is this done, why is this done and do I need to do it?
Well, I think with the times we are all going through currently on this planet that this is a very good idea. On today's show I speak about how remaining silent for a number of reason's may actually help you and the person or person's you are surrounding yourself with protect energies and sanity.
Sometimes we just want to be heard and sometimes we just want to be right!
It is not very often we just sit back and listen and allow what ever is meant to happen or be just happen, we tend to want to intervene or we tend to want to sound smart or be right or think we are some type guru trying to help others. Yet we are not GOD or the Universe, so why try to take on that responsibility?
Yes, I speak about this from experience of course. The first 3-6 months on this journey of mine with all the new information I was learning and implementing I just wanted to tell the world so when people would ask....Boom I would just talk and talk and talk. Probably scaring them away!
Something I did not realize either at the time was the energy I was also giving away and the energy (from them) that I was taking on. Yup I was way to new. So the effects of some of the interactions at times left me super tired and even a few times I felt kinda sick or nauseous to which I never understood why.
I once spent a long weekend with a guy who asked for my help and wanted to shadow everything I did. I was so pumped up that I jumped at the opportunity. By the last day I could barley stay awake and I was sick to my stomach. This person for 3 days was just dumping excuses, negativity, problems and his issues on me because I was there with open arms and a powerful energy source for him to suck off of. Boy did he ever use up that energy and you know what he did not even implement a single thing I showed him, 5 years later he still has the same excuses and problems because he is not willing to nor will ever change, he just continues to look for new energy sources (people) to suck off of (people who will listen to him whine)!!!
After finding out years later about toxic energy and energy vampires it was only then that I learned how to avoid all together those who have no real want to change or improve, and how to protect myself from those who do want the help but are extremely toxic.
At times by being silent and just listening (instead of trying to give advice, which in some cases is just our own ego wanting to be heard and stroked) you allow and or protect yourself from going downwards into the never ending negative rabbit whole that is a t times impossible to get out of.
Remember their lesson is not our lesson so do not take it on as if it was. As well sometimes people just want to talk and be heard, they do not want to hear what we have to say! Something to think about~
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Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Reliving Your Life With A New Outlook #IYP
How often do you, like me always think of the 'grass could be greener' over there option?
So on today's show I go over a great little reminder chat with a former business partner of my past and how that mindset set off 2 completely different emotions and this lead to a massive state of confusion and frustration, which as always once you sit with it leads to clarity and appreciation for the lesson at hand.
The issues that came up for me;
1. The former Anxiety and Stress and relief for leaving
2. Fear, FOMO, lack, contraction for leaving
Crazy right, on the one hand so happy and grateful that I did not have to deal with any of the BS I use to have to deal with, but at the same time I was then doubting myself for letting go of the monies that came along with the business and company I had. So this massive amount of happiness and fear at the exact same time was a very, very new state of being for me.
The thing I noticed was that the feeling, the emotion of fear was much more powerful or much more dominate than the amazing feeling of lightness and freedom.
This personally I feel is because since birth that fear emotion (which has a point if we are running from a tiger or whatever) is always, continuously promoted. The NO is always get's more attention than the YES. We are meant to stay in line, inside that societal box, and to teach us all that when we are children this is done through fear, which then get's hardwired into our program system and emotion system. So it is much easier to bring up past thoughts and experience's where these situations have come up before and we then just keep recycling the process over and over again. Very difficult to change.
The Fear of Not enough money, or not enough love, not enough things, keep's us in this lower level state. We cannot get out of this state without changing something. Or we are bound to just keep repeating
Let's stay aware of our emotions team!
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Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Judge Me Not For What I Do Not Understand #IYP
That is correct, the judgement in all of us, towards ourselves, towards others, towards events, towards everything basically. We run all the information that we get from our 5 senses "sight, sounds, taste, smell, touch" and then take that info a run it through our own filters, programming, mind, and by that I mean how each one of us individually was brought up in the first 7 years of our lives.
On top of that we are all victims and fall prey to mis information or lack of information or being sold or told a narrative that is either false or not complete. For an example I will use this, in school we are taught all the facts of the oceans that we know as humans. Fair enough correct, but what we are not told even to this day is that we have explored less than 5% of the ocean,(around there) so that means we no zero about 95% of it, yet as humans we think we know all there is to know about the ocean. So how can we (any of us) truly claim that we really know what is going on down there?
Mathematically not possible when you only have 5% of a puzzle, there is no way you can guess or assume the other 95%.
Well, at least that is the way I see it at this point.
Even for myself if I take the events that happened at Covington Catholic High School where as we all know an event took place.
So I am not here to talk about the event or what happened, but what I am talking about today is how I reacted (even after 10 plus years of mind training in soto zen) to a sound bit and 30 second clip. Mixed with all the information being pushed out about the event itself.
I can remember saying their must be more to this, but at the same time the way the video and sound bits were edited I took that information into my system and filter's and programming and with the information provided even though I knew there had to be more to the story.... took it as somewhat fact.
That just tells me how strong our programming run's. Even though I had questions, massive doubt's - at that moment with the only information provided to me my mind took that info and can up with an outcome.
No different then still believing we know all there is to know about the ocean, untrue, yet we still teach and tell each other it is true.
We always hear the saying "Question Everything" I agree with that, but I wonder with all this information hitting us 24/7 in these current times have we become to lazy to do so?
Even though that statement rings true now more than ever!!
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Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
There Is Always Something To Be Grateful For #IYP
So almost as if I was channeling my great grand parents from the old country on today's show and talk, it is all about not being a little baby when dealing with the cards we are dealt in this amazing game called life.
From my Krav Maga training I was in a situation where the cards were not in my favour and I got taken down the wrong way and ended up with a few cracked ribs. Not the best feeling I have ever had (I am sure if you have experienced this then you know what I am going through) very difficult to breath, to move, to sit, to lay, and so on and so on. Trying to sleep is a nothing short of a pain in the butt to try to accomplish.
So I was told to go to the hospital to have all reviewed just in case there was an issue with the lungs. One of the reason's I did not want to go was I assumed they would push drugs on me (which was not at all the case) I could have taken them if I wanted but I said no and they said nothing further.
As we all know when we go to a hospital (this is another reason I did not really want to go visit the emergency room) there are the long wait times to get to see a doctor, or get x rays, or get blood work, and so on and so on right!
As always if you are an avid listener then you know that I (and you can as well) use every situation as a learning lesson and as a chance to improve.
So as I sat there in this waiting area that I was moved to, I could see into a trauma area and as well what looked like some type of special care or needs area. What I over heard and what I saw put so much into perspective.
This thing we call perspective I think is something that has been lost over the generations which is why this situation made me think of the old timers and old generations and how life must have been way back when and how mind set's must have been a whole lot different way back when.
So as I sat and waited (yes with some minor pain...poor wooooo me right) there were people who were getting much worse news, people in much worse pain, people with very serious conditions, people who were never going to leave again. This give's you what I like to call a reality check or wake up call.
Perspective. Perspective. Perspective!
It made me think about my life's big picture and just how blessed I am for the knowledge I have about self care and mental awareness and the health I have and have had.
Take a second to review how truly blessed we all are, good things come from being grateful!
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Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
It Get's Better With Time, If You Work At It #IYP
So on today's show I go over some recent number's from a few different studies or better yet one study that break's down into a bunch of different area's, meaning it follows the rabbit down the rabbit hole.
Without going into all the details and in the show I go over a few of the numbers but to get an overall picture this is what the reports said;
A very small percent of the population in North America is Physically Fit, from there they took it to the fact that the people whom are fit, physically and there for more often then not mentally (not always the case) as well tend to out perform their work colleges by a certain percent, which then broke down into a work week of 10 - 12 hours more hours worked, or faster tasks accomplished, or more productivity in general and that amount being 1.5 days.
I had to put my 2 cents in remembering all about the construction site's, work place site's, studio session's, and on and on where I can personally agree with the statements as facts. You can take into consideration so many factors but most of the time the proof is in the pudding, those kicking ass where just happier and fitter than the other's (not 100% of the time but almost)
The next thing they got into was some of the staggering numbers of people who are retired that are dependent on some form of pharmaceutical drug and the #1 being diabetes. They continued to break that down to how long they had been on the drug and how their physical health correlated.
The thing we want to try to get across (on our show) is that there is no age limit on getting healthy or more fit or a better mental outlook. The body wants to be better and go longer we just need to give it and get it direction. This from the food we ingest, to the way we treat ourselves to the amount of exercise we get. All of this can be improved on day after day.
I speak about some of the guys I train with that inspire me the most, and they are the ones still kicking ass well into their 50's and 60's (some only starting in their 60's) who just get better, happier and fitter with each day that passes!
So amazing
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Monday Jun 03, 2019
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Put In The Work Stop The Fake #IYP
Ohh Boy another meeting and another disappointment on my end. Is anyone real anymore?
So with Ignite Your Purpose and HighWay 2 Change being both in the health area and this area being one of the trends or fades currently and maybe always for that matter, I tend to get some submission for chats or meetings to see if the parties involved can cross promote or aid one another and gain from that for each of their base of followers/tribe/community.
I spoke with a husband and wife team that had a very decent community going they were very smart, super nice and had a lot of experience and knowledge. So of course I said hell yes let's meet and see what magic we can work.
First of this was originally online so my only vision of them is what they presented on social media. Their picture's and video's were done professionally and always had the proper lights and (looking back now) the proper photo shopping and angles. Very well done site's and overall image and brand.
So when we sat down to meet I was immediately taken back at their appearance (not that there is anything wrong with how they looked) but it was not what they were selling or preaching online so in my opinion this is false advertising. Which was why I had that reaction that I did. I found it truly hard to listen to what they were telling me (which in all honesty was good information).
So they do custom meal plans for high level athletes and trainers, and to see how fake it all was just, well it was like a kick in the groin, I felt taken.
What do I mean by that? Well if you want me to buy your plan and you say look at me and how I eat, you can look like this as well by doing what I am doing, but the owners are actually NOT DOING what they are selling. Man Oh Man!
The wife (who was beautiful and really nice) had plastic surgery and not that, that matters if you feel you need to look younger fine, but to have had lypo suction in a field were each one of us bleeds and sweats every day fighting tremendously hard for that extra inch everyday to be a little better than we were yesterday, well her way seems like a heck of a lie and let down to the ones following. Just dishonest and I could not put my name behind it.
Same with the man, all the pictures of him made him look very in shape and probably 10 years younger than he was, but I mean he was at a minimum 50-60 pounds overweight. Again there is nothing wrong with that to me....unless you are selling the dream to other's that if they follow your system or course or brand or whatever the F^%K, and you are mis leading them by doctored pictures and re shaping your stomach and face area when posting, UNACCEPTABLE
Please team do your research and don't fall pray to anyone just trying to take your money!
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Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
We Are Not Promised Tomorrow #IYP
Wow what a talk I was involved in today and as always it seems to fit perfectly with all the happenings or the zeitgeist of things that is currently on going on the planet. Yes, so a very sobering talk today, but one I think that makes it possible to live a more zestful life if acted upon.
Which as you will see is much easier said than done, as we found out.
This conversation happens to fall upon the news over the last few days of people in my inner circle and those around the world that seem to be facing some major shifts and changes in their lives. Health, relationship, financial, family, beliefs, I mean it is endless for all of us when it comes down to the changes.
I have mentioned this before many times that there is some type of shift happening, for all of us where some of us are going to wake up and some of us will go back to sleep. So if we want to evolve or if we want to expand I guess we should listen to the winds of change, that are being put if not shoved in front of our faces... aka lessons to learn!
That is where this conversation picks up, my good friend who I have known and worked with for a good while told me the news that he has some major health issue's and the medical outlook is not very positive. I asked what that meant and he then replied 'I was told I do not have that long to live.' This just knocked me over, as it would anyone.
We got right down to the nitty gritty though, like ok if that is true and we are not thinking it is (BTW) what would you want to do with this one amazing life you have left to live? If you are reading this, let that sink in...really sink in.
We got into the; work, the responsibility, the love life, the money, the goals, the wants, where do you want to be, who do you want to be with, what would you want to do.
I mean we went over everything and it was not a one way street he asked me the exact same questions, which is why this was such a massive and in depth lesson for the both of us. The answer's hit emotions in both of us that left us humbled and saddened.
Things like not being with your soul mate, not even liking the job you have, hating where you live. These are major realizations, that need to be acted upon, do not hesitate another second, as it could be all gone tomorrow
So for me it came down to 'why the phuck' do we wait then till a fatal diagnosis (which by the way we all have it's called LIFE and we all end up in the same spot we just do not know exactly when) but we live as if we are promised a long endless life. So again I was just struck numb by both of our FEAR's and worries over what came down to money.
How would we just pick up and leave or pick up and do this or that when our source of income is here or there, so how would it work and how would I do it?
I mean this fear is in us all we have been programmed and then from that program we built our own prison! Which takes until our last breaths to break free from.
We sat there and made road block after road block as to why we "probably couldn't" we were not even certain, it was not at all reality just things we made up. Unreal! Excuse as to why we should just not bother trying.
Instead of having some of that child like blind faith, that trust, that belief. That zest to live a life worth living!
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Sunday May 26, 2019
Sunday May 26, 2019
Sunday May 26, 2019
Cellar Dweller Or Action Takers #IYP
This one hit close to home in today's talk, I see the sadness or maybe a better word would be the overwhelmingness that seem's to haunt the 2 sorta relatives (or close family friends) that stopped by for a chat.
They are getting up into the years where I think that they are really starting to think about and maybe even look forward to the retirement day's, excited to just relax and have no agenda or time table to follow.
Yet there is some massive issue's they have self imposed on themselves by allowing their children (specifically this one child, well adult around 30 years old) to live off them unconditionally. Not the child's fault is it? Or is it?
Here is the fascinating thing (and if we listen, I mean really listen instead of just waiting to reply all the time to be heard there are so many gems of knowledge that relate to our own lives. Our own lesson's to learn, the mirror I always speak of). So the amount of stress they as the parents take on to continue to provide for this child is pretty massive. The work load they impose on themselves to continue to provide for this child is massive as well.
Flip side of that, the child is either unaware of this, or does not care about this, or just assume's this is the way it is and does not know any different. Either way his life is not really effected...or is it?
Never had a job, never had a girl, never tried for anything, no goals, no hopes, no aspirations, no anything. Just existing and is that really life?
So who's fault is it? Or is there fault, does either side even see an issue?
Again I just listen, the father says to me "I'll never be able to retire". Although at this point that seem's to be what they want. Why can't they retire? The unhappiness of not following his heart is a massive issue. The mother says how she is worried that her son will never find a women because he has poor social skills. Again l listen and because of this (so called issue) she coddles him even more to make up for the hurt he may one day experience.
Who's issues are these, and how were these issues created? From those on the outside looking in it seems so easy to see and find all the problems and answer's. Yet when you are in the eye of the storm (meaning your own life and issues's) they are not so easy to point out because we don't have a different point of view, yet if someone on the outside looks at our problems, well then they would say the same thing.
So through what we claim as our definition of love for someone else, we cut off a life of possibility by trying to protect them from the big bad world out there. Yet by doing this very act we try to play God over them, we are not God, we are not the Universe so we have to let this control go, or we not only cause massive harm to that someone else, we also cause massive harm to ourselves by taking on the responsibility of God.
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Saturday May 25, 2019
Saturday May 25, 2019
Saturday May 25, 2019
What Is Your Future Plan In Life? #IYP
Today's show is like honestly a 1 in a million chance happening, not ever in the history of my conversation's and very possibly even your have I heard the statements that I did today from a group that I went to school with. It not only blew my mind but it struck me as odd, and because of that allowed me to dig deep into the mental program that so many of not all of us run due to the society we have been raised in!
How it went down was something like this, we all began talking about balance in life, travel, rest, you know that 2019 work life balance BS.
The 2 high school sweet hearts said something that made us all step back. It went like this "we travel to much, and have so much free time that we think we need to incur dept as we have a child now so to save for their future and ours we need to start being real adults not waisting anymore time and get into some investments that will take up our time so we are forced not to travel."
Yup that was said!
So for me it went against most hopes and dreams that the majority of us as humans have especially those who are later on in life. So I took it as a challenge to understand they why behind the decision of wanting more responsibility as a trade off fro future security.
So I asked the question straight up, like hey you are living the dream, why would you want to change that. The response was perfect, a perfect picture of the self imposed prison's we all live in that each one of us create due to the programs we are running.
The response was "well you can't do this forever, at some point we will get old and then how will we (insert fear) live, pay rent, medical, retire, savings.
As well as this one (which again was out side of my thought process) "how else will we be able to leave our children or give them a leg up in life"
All these are fair statements and thought's to be honest, however I do not agree with them at all, but we are all allowed our own thought's correct. Either way I just wanted to understand the thought process behind how they think. For me the understanding was that for them now it is better to sacrifice the now, this moment, health, freedom, purpose, passion, so you can hope that the future provide's for your children and you then and not now. Really we all do this we sacrifice our health and dreams now and put it off for the days of retirement, why do we do this? Simple we were each taught that this is the system this is how it is. We give up our best years to squeak by in our last years.
Although this makes not no sense at all, it is not very easy to switch that mentality over to being in the moment and trusting it will all work out and all will be provided if we just show up for life.
When we talked to a 40 something surfer who was a server (serving drink's at a high end hotel) making enough money to pay rent, eat super healthy organic food and pay rent in a small little shack by the beach, and live his dream. (Imagine waking up every morning on the beach with low stress.) Every single person at the table we were at shit on him. Too old, that only works in your 20's, what will he do in 10 years, what women would want him, you can't do that forever, he needs a reality check. All things I wrote down that were said to him.
Not one person asked about how he maintained his health, looked so good for his age, or how happy he was. #FACTS
BTW 98% of the people at the table; not healthy and almost all were cranky old phucks!!
Do we need to re think this game called LIFE? I say YES!
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