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United By Stoke is RAVEN 425 -Chin Up Chest Out We Rise Above United By Stoke - Cultivating Community we are a lifestyle brand built on good vibes and building community bringing streetwear fashion with a splash of tropical funkyness! Our conversations are to empower, educate, and strengthen our minds Visit us
We are RAVEN 425, we are not just an apparel Brand, we are a lifestyle of empowerment. We are not for everyone but we are looking for lions and lioness join us daily at
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Heart Stress Test And The Outcomes #IYP (Part 1)
Heart stress test and the outcomes that come from them (I have never done one in a medical office) but I was asked to go for a chin wag today over a cup of tea and the conversation we had was about his heart stress test.
I found the entire process very interesting (anyone can look up online what they do in a test like this) after he spoke about the test and what was done, how his body reacted and then finally how it felt to do it, the doctor then gave him the results.
The results were that he was in the beginning stages of heart issues mainly stress to the heart.
As we continued to talk, and as he ate, drank, and was on the phone multi tasking (all normal life for all of us correct) what he said next was the most perfect reflection of being truly unaware of what is going on in your own life. I can remember vividly being there not that long ago. Meaning not at all paying attention to what we put inside our body and mind, then as well not moving the body physically to improve the health of the body and internal system.
He said that the reason for all this problems was his job.
Not at all different from any of us looking for that one thing to blame.
Yet here is the fact, he is self employed, he is an entrepreneur which means he is in control of all of that correct? Yet he pushed the blame of his own health beginning to fail onto the term "work". It's my works fault, I have to provide, I have to pay bills, I have to...I have to...
I totally agree with all that, but I also agree with the statement of 'I have to also take of myself!'
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Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Inspired To Action For Our Growth #IYP
Inspired to action for our growth by the little things all around us if we pay attention to it and for it.
As always I talk about the tales I experience in my day to day life which end up being learning lesson for growth. So I have been inspired to action by those whom are in long term care in the hospital which I have had to visit as of late with a little injury I incurred during Krav Maga Training.
To be in a place like a hospital or to be around older people, the type of age when you know there is not a lot of time left can teach us so much if we are open to listening and accepting the truths that are right in front of us because we will all be there (that age) one day.
This one older lady who was all there mentally and physically said to me; 'I try to tell all the other occupants that you are what you eat'.
It made so much sense to me that we in our current state (these younger ages) we do not think about the effects of things 2, 5, 10 , 20 years into our future. If we did I think we would drastically change our eating habits, work out habits, and mental habits ASAP. We tend to think that this won't happen to us, or maybe we don't think that type of future is in our reality, but guess what it is. So this is why we preach the long haul game.
It's not until you sit in a place like this and speak with and observe the people in here that it all makes sense in the now. It hit's you like an AH HA!! Moment. Like I get it, if I don't want to be (for example) 70 years old and drooling all over myself then yes I should take action today to push that type of future off either forever or for as long as possible.
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Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
How to Slow Down Life For The Better #IYP
How to Slow down life for the better and enjoy the little things each and every one of us take for granted each second of the day.
What I am talking about the little things like sight, smell, touch, sound, love, freedom, health, friends, family, sky, earth....
I could go on for days!
So why am I talking about this, well let me say this doing something and then being forced to do something are two different worlds and the forced world has made me very very appreciative.
The thing is with any type of mindfulness or meditation or yoga or whatever it is each one of us does to relax the mind body soul, it is just that, our break to relax to slow down for the allotted time we deem.
However for me currently I am being forced to be slow due to an injury and it is completely different. It is 24/7 slow time and 24/7 mindfulness. I mean 24/7 there is no break there is only now and what is it I am doing in the now so that I do not cause myself pain. It has been a truly amazing learning curve.
Trying to sit, stand, lay, drink, eat, drive walk, sneeze, I am having to re learn how to do them all slower and smoother so that I do not cause myself pain. The most perfect practice the Universe could give any of us the lesson of really slowing down and accepting that slow down and enjoying it.
Again this approach is much different from talking out an hour or two or whatever of a busy day to slow down momentarily before raging hard again into our normal flow.
The appreciation I have found for these little things like standing, sipping a tea, not having pain, being able to sneeze without pain. All these items and there must be millions of them that each day we over look and take for granted, while at the same time wishing we had this or that, or more, or better, forgetting just how good we actually have it. Unreal
So let's try our hardest to know exactly what is that we have so we do not loose it!
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Monday Aug 12, 2019
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Monday Aug 12, 2019
The Answer to Everything Is Within Us #IYP
The answer to everything is Within Us, yet we (myself at least) tend to look for answers or maybe conformation or even maybe our worth or value based on an outside opinion.
Now because of this simple factor of giving our power away, we (well me personally) tend to freeze up with doubts about what others man think, or say, and then NOT end up doing that certain something which gets us closer to our dreams.
For myself as you know I always hold my feet to the fire first, I sometimes think that this one person holds my entire life, dreams, hopes and aspirations in their hands, and because of this I tend then to hold off on my end, or put these simple tasks off until I can over ride my auto pilot brain, and this sometimes takes a day or two. There are so many factors that come into play on this from the worry of being hustled to the worry of someone elses opinion, either way we all have our own reasons as to why but they are not at all reality, simply just a fear or an excuse.
Yet the fact of the matter is unlike in the 70's and 80's or whenever when the hustle was not online, nowadays there are endless avenues and opportunities to be heard or make contact, yet I still sometimes feel like 'nope' its this one person and "what if" they say no.
Paralyzing myself in a false fear and then before even trying I have the option to give up just in case my feeling were to get hurt!! WTF!!
This is my first reaction, which is unacceptable - so I work hard to push myself past this.
Someone else is not the answer, someone else does not determine our value or self worth.
This is our one life, so please I beg you and myself to take risks and push the envelope of our own comfort zone, only then can we go out at death knowing every rock was turned over. Nothing left to try.
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Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Millennial Foods and Apps Where Is It Going? #IYP
Millennial Foods and apps where is it going, and how is it going to effect the health of the nation and planet?
It is something that needs just a little awareness shed onto it as with this instant get anything and do anything now world we live, which is also very involved around us being attached to a phone, computer or some type of device which then leaves us some what sedentary, moving less and less as a people...well I then think it is open for a discussion
So the study which was done by a few Universities in the heartland of the USA reported that a high percent of the student body (80% or so) was charging massive amounts of money onto credit cards and the major or dominant charges were from delivery of food from certain apps.
I mean there is so many areas we could look into here such as who is paying those bills (mom and dad) what type of foods are we putting into our bodies, and how is it we are so busy (playing games or on social media) that we have to order in, or why is it we don't want to be out socializing for real? It is such a massive area to chat about.
Either way for any of us as this becomes more of reality then trend, it will be a focus to not over spend, this is something that will need to be taught. The report stated that most of the students were spending anywhere from $1000 to $1500 a month on these apps. I mean that is major, massive and I get it, they have made it so so so easy to just click and boom here comes the food. Taking away responsibility of the actual physical money possession (which is the reward of earning that money and then breaking the bill and getting change). It also creates the removal of either making your own food which then again includes going out to a store and buying food (money exchange again from money earned, and socializing).
So it removes so many steps from our lives which is awesome in one way, but it does however if we are not educated or not aware of these things make it so easy to over spend, over indulge, and put a massive amount of crap foods into our system.
Just some food for thought!
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Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Following The Crowd, Where Does It Get Us? #IYP
Following the crowd, where does that get us really?
It is a human trait we all fall prey to, this is a fact. Myself included time and time again it happens to me...if I do not know what it is in the end that I want, or what my end goal is.
That is when I will fall prey to it, as well if I do zero research on the "thing" it is that the crowd is following or doing.
We tend to find trust in someone or something (a brand) and from there we (a lot of the time, not all the time) will over ride our own thoughts and processes or research or gut feeling and go with the advice or better yet follow the crowd to whatever the hip new trend is or to whatever all the cool kids are doing.
It's this over ride that has me fascinated, we will give our power away, we will give our self discovery away, we will give our intuition away, we will give our learning process away because we feel or we believe that the person / brand who has recommended a certain something has more power, knowledge, is better than us, you name the reason but each one of us at some point will fall prey to one of them.
I have said this many times 1 thing does not work for every person, there is nothing out there that is a one size fits all cure, yet if we find that our circle of influence is all about it, then we tend to jump on the band wagon possibly without doing our due diligence.
The reason why, I feel from my own experiences is laziness and trusting. I anyway sometimes put that "getting hustled" feeling to the side because I think this person wants the best for me, yet in the end after doing major research and informing myself I see all the flaws in the long run, short term might be pretty awesome, but my goal is longevity.
I also notice that we tend to skip or over look some of the downside or maybe that down side is never even told to us, which makes my wound sting ever deeper. Example would be let's say 'they' forget to mention something like a possible negative side effect, and maybe we even forget to ask about the possible negative side effects. Again why because we trust and take that person or brand for their word, not thinking at all that they maybe just looking at us as another sale (this is not always the case BTW, but basically what I am saying is always do your due diligence before blindly following the crowd)
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Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Not Giving Up On You #IYP
Not Giving Up on You or better yet not giving up on yourself! It is that simple and the first thing I want to callout on today's show is the fact that if you are following people on social media that claim it's always perfect in life or it's always blue sky and rainbow's please unfollow them because that is not real life, remember we are all human and things both good and bad happen daily in our human life!
As well if you happen to believe or fall for the highlights these people are putting up and then compare their highlights to your own life and think less of yourself, then you also need to stop that nonsense asap!!
The first question that came up started today with, well how have you been keep up with your New Years Resolution XX amount of month's later?
To which I replied I do not just do New Year's Day, I do almost every day resolutions to better myself. By doing this I keep myself on point daily for the long haul goals! Having said that I also immediately mentioned that some days are better than others. I have up's and down's (just like every single person on this planet). None of us are exempt form being human or from what humans go through.
The mindset does for sure have something to do with those who push on and those who either quit or never even start at all.
That mindset I think comes from (not all the time bit some of the time) on how we were raised. If you were told or saw, yes saw, learned from those around you that LAZY was the normal, or if you saw that Working Hard was the normal, I think these items help influence us in ways we do not even understand this many years later. So that I think has something to do with the Mindset.
So a lot of time we need to go back to our upbringing to understand some of the blockages we have up to this current day. So don't be so hard on yourself! If you are asking the question of how do I stay focused or how can I stop wanting to quit, well then you are on the correct path.
This path takes time, effort and continued attention, but just do not stop, keep at it. It will eventually come!
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Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
The Attention Span Of A Goldfish #IYP
The attention span of a goldfish which is something like 7-12 seconds is that what we have succumb to?
Is that not incredible, I think so, and sadly it is something we are seeing more and more as the days go by with all the gadgets, goodies and technology as it progresses and pushes forward.
So have we become one with the goldfish? Or has all this screen time and tech really just taken our minds to another level of dopamine needs?
The dopamine is the excitement factor that happens in our mind and body, the release of it actually (not unlike a high, drug or alcohol substance in the body). We look for more of these hits and how we get them...scroll, video games, screen simulation.
We have no clue the true implications of the flicker rates on our screens but nonetheless they are making us more addicted that is a for-sure.
There is no finger to point or blame to be laid, however we do need to take on the responsibility of educating ourselves as to what the outcomes of these very small windows of attention will bring to our over all mental and physical health over the years. As well as what it will do to society in general.
Is it a cry for help that we seek fame and stardom or is it in fact we are so board with our own lives that we seek this external stimuli to give us hope and meaning.
We spoke about the EGG picture that was hot at one time on the internet. How a picture of an egg garnished the most likes ever online. How was that possible and why?
There are still patches and areas in day to day life that give me hope (like seeing youngster playing outside with no tech, just their own imagination) Or a door being held open showing me that there is still awareness of others. We just all need to make sure those items become louder and louder over the coming years!
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Friday Jul 05, 2019
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Friday Jul 05, 2019
What I Want Is What I Got In The End #IYP
A trip to the Hospital lead me to an amazing conversation with an elderly lady and a massive lesson in understanding for myself and I hope all of you as well. Meaning what we want and think of something is not always the same as what the people who we want and think it for may think for themselves! Here is how this played out.
So I had an issue with my ribs from some Krav Maga training I was doing and I was told to be on the safe side to take a visit to the hospital. So I did, and within I would say 5 minutes this old timer rolled up beside me to strike up a conversation, and ohh boy what an awesome conversation it was!
She told me all about way back when how she had done the same thing (possibly breaking some ribs, and how painful it was) from there she started telling me how she would give anything to have those days back. She was not unhappy with where she was at or how she was living but simply saying (I think anyway) how she wishes she had her mobility and freedom back again.
Part of me wondered and maybe even judged how she ended up where and how she was. In an electric cart with oxygen and a patch over her throat. The wondering was about the oxygen and the cart. She is very old I can tell that, and very full of life which I love.
We continue on, and she tells me about not wasting time (all from her point of view being near the end as she called it) not worrying about the insignificant things in life that cannot be controlled (like what others think, or what we think others think). She said to enjoy my body, freedom, and health, while I still have it.
That last statement made me again wonder if she had done all the things she was telling me about. As I looked at her with amazement and respect I felt like the Universe was speaking through her to me for me but also as a lesson in the bigger picture of life.
Then the real lesson after about 10 minutes of banter...she looks at me almost like a used car sales person, like a hustler and say's "so you got a smoke for the old lady?"
I think I must have turned red, she was on oxygen, she could not walk or not easily I assume, she had a patch over her throat (maybe surgery, maybe something else) and she wanted a smoke?
Myself no I do not have a smoke I said, to which she replied not to worry I will find one.
She then went on (again a lesson from the Universe) to say you know when you get to be my age and in my position there are only so many things you can still enjoy in life and a good smoke is one of mine.
In that micro second I thought ok then who the phuck am I to take away this person's joy?
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Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
The Future Looks Bright Once You Let It Part 2 #IYP
In Part 2 of this chat I go deeper into the fact of my ant sized view (on how I assumed the world was crashing down on me) instead of my bird's eye view (which is now my fact of endless possibilities and not being held back). I also talk about the new found freedom, the new found creativity and the fact that I am not feeling held down or held back in anyway.
I am able to expand at a much faster rate as I know the amount of study and time I put into this discipline that others just are not able to keep up with nor do they have access to the teachings, this all allows me to do any type of content when and how I feel and see fit to best suit the audience.
None of these things were in my thought process when this news hit.... How blessed we are to have some tools in the shed to work with!
I am so very thankful for the insight and for this lesson!
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