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United By Stoke is RAVEN 425 -Chin Up Chest Out We Rise Above United By Stoke - Cultivating Community we are a lifestyle brand built on good vibes and building community bringing streetwear fashion with a splash of tropical funkyness! Our conversations are to empower, educate, and strengthen our minds Visit us
We are RAVEN 425, we are not just an apparel Brand, we are a lifestyle of empowerment. We are not for everyone but we are looking for lions and lioness join us daily at
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Vitamin b 12 and vegans and all other dietary intakes.
This was a question brought forth to me today as I sat in my most favourite, most comfortable, my go to spot for food 24/7. I had a green juice and a fruit bowl siting in front of me for my first meal of the day, and I was excited to get at it.
Now my man who is on the opposite side of the health train from me (rougher lifestyle, partying, late nights, and drugs) comes in to get a friend of his a coffee (this place only serves top notch coffee). This guy thinks as he told me, we are all fools for Spending money in a place like this. As he came in tossing out his cigarette eating a breakfast burger from some gas station, and drinking that gas station coffee. So his aasumption is that this place and others like it are just riding the fad that is "health conscious" in these current times
So spending money on nutritionally dense foods or his own health obviously not at all a priority. Yet here is the mind blowing conversation that ensued, he asks me if I worry about my sugar intake, then follows that up with so where are you getting your b 12 from then, if you're only eating this? I was wondering if I was on a joke game show.
All fair questions, but absolutely irrelevant if you eat crap from a fast food spot that has zero on a scale of nutrition, I mean those are not even the proper questions to be asking I my opinion.
You can honestly tell me you don’t eat healthy because you worry about the sugar and b 12? But you eat off the dollar menu at some fast food spot? I just cannot correlate the mind set. Why would you worry about those questions while putting poison into your system 24/7?
I say this often we really all need to be and get educated on what healthy actually means!
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Friday Oct 04, 2019
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Humans as Amabots is this the next phase? #IYP
A student or a protege of mine came to me today with a slew of different news sound bites and he wanted to see where my head was at with them all. However in zen my goal is not to push any of my ideas, beliefs, or thoughts onto anyone.
So what I did was to allow him to speak to see where his mind set is at. I was reminded that we all start to wake up somewhere however I have to admit it seems that these days the programming and the matrix energies are much stronger than they have been in the past.
I saw this adult male gently breeze by some horrible mandates these people who are trying to get power or who have the power believe in or are pushing out as rhetoric as long as there were a few politically correct and hip 2019 band wagons involved. They seem to be able to turn a blind eye to all the horrible issues and rally behind the ones that they deem in alignment with his/their beliefs.
My shock was as someone (this adult) who has never worked, never really be introduced to the real world even at his age (which by the way seems to be more and more the normal) he thought that the amazon lifestyle and workplace was the best spot for him, even after the 80 hour work week. For me it was a complete disassociation of reality. Digging a little deeper as well how are these work force people going to be able to maintain those type of hours and for what reason? But that was not even a question, it (to me ) just seemed like this glamorous work place for him to want to be at.
Again the matrix and being dumbed down as a society, do you think it's a thing?
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Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Militant activism how not to be in 2019 #IYP
We are all fighting for dominance it’s seems these days. The right to be heard, the right to be seen, the freedom of speech, and the freedom of belief. How will it all play out when all any of us are really doing is trying to assert dominance over other's by yelling, and telling, even preaching that our way, our beliefs are the only ones that matter!?
We just want to be right and we just want to be in power or have the power over other's. This is a human trait a weird one nonetheless but it’s something that’s in us all.
The scene I saw today blew my mind in so many ways from the group protesting to the people who were triggered by the protesters to the police being involved to the fact none of these youths had jobs and to top it all off for me how they were all trust fund babies trying to school the average working class people.
It showed me just how lost some of the souls on this planet truly are. If we all don't actually step back and listen once in a while there will never be any room for debate, understanding and compassion. This is a major area for helping to heal each other and this planet.
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Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Kids allowance in the 2020's #IYP
Boy how times have changed and boy how the world we live in has changed. These are just fact's and issue's each human has to deal with as the days pass us by.
So a study that was done and released today which is about kids and their allowances, and I found this paper very interesting. The average allowance now for most youths under 10 is 120 dollars a month.
To me I thought that was crazy high - now I also understand there is inflation and things are just more expensive in general as the years move on.
The one high light for me and as with yesterday’s show I sat on the fence, meaning I agree with both aspects of the paper, it was that 92 percent of the parents were giving and allowance and in turn trying to educate their children about money, wealth creation, saving , balancing a check book you know all that fun grown up stuff. Which I back 100 percent.
Why well because none of us learn any of these real world skills in school and that is a shame.
However on the flip side a lot of these parents were not actually making their children do any type of service or work for the money being giving, some were just putting money into an account for the child to have at a later date. Which is also fine but defeats the point of an allowance in the terms I understand it anyway.
For me I had concerns with that, the reason is as if you are being taught that you don’t have to do anything for money and the money you don’t do anything for is probably paying better than a typical after work job.
So then are we possibly teaching the next generation some bad habits?
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Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Riot Cop Shoots Hong Kong Protester with live round #IYP
So my thoughts on this news which showed up today was one of being in the middle. I wonder if we all stand up and take a stand in what it is we believe in deeply could we all really and truly make a change?
Then on the flip side I wonder in 100 or 200 years will any of this even matter? Some of the great darmah talks I have witnessed, all the speakers agree that standing up for what you believe in is actually an inside job. That nothing we can do to make a change is done externally but rather internally. I do agree with this as well.
For example if we do not love ourselves there is no way we can give love to another as we do not know what it even is. However if we take a look at the health movement or organic movement no matter how small they maybe currently, they have grown massively over the years because the amount of people supporting it has grown. So there must be something to it that if 7 billion of us wanted change, change would have to occur.
But in the end on the big big picture does any of it really matter? Should we just be doing our best to enjoy what it is we have?
Are we making to much nonsense out of the unknown that we think we know? Is it that we do not know the entire truth (meaning we do not have or cannot see all the pieces of the puzzle) which leaves us feeling not whole?
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Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
The Pyramid Sheme and Why We Fall For it #IYP
The Pyramid Scheme it must be as old as time itself. I as always in my talks witnessed today a talk or an indoctrination from a group of people trying to get the next group of people signed up under them so that these new recruits could go out and make the others rich! Rite we have all been there seen this and done that.
Yet what resonated with me today was this saying ( for myself from my experiences growing up and currently) If we don’t stand for something we will fall for anything. That anything (especially in these current times seems to be money and overnight success). So how do we find out what we stand for?
Well that takes as with everything in life time and effort. It also takes a lot of self reflection and soul searching if you will. Going deep inside and knowing what it is we want (that may not happen overnight). What got me was and because I have been in this place where someone sees the potential in us (even though we may not) to use us to make money for them.
To exploit to a certain degree because at the base of all this "We Do Not Know Our Self Worth."
I was asked once when I went for my first job “so what will you charge” and I can remember being embarrassed to answer the question simply because I had no clue my worth, my value and what I actually brought to the table.
If I can push one thing to anyone in this position do your research and dig deep down inside so you know where you stand and what it is you stand for!!
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Monday Sep 09, 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Fat tax politically correct? #IYP
Well, that was not the point of the conversation I overheard but some of the facts that came out made me stand up and take a listen and do some checking of my own. So who pays for all this burden on the medical system?
We the people it is that simple. So when you find out that over 20% of the US Navy is obese and overweight, and as you dig deeper you find it could even be more than that depending on how you look at things. This is the elite forces paid to protect countries and even they are getting less and less fit. So how does that effect the and or burden our health care system.
Why is it that none of us are taught how to take care of ourselves? Why are we not taught how to eat. Why are we not taught how important it is to keep the body physically active and fit which includes cardiovascular and muscular strength and health. Which will then benefit each of our mental health.
In the end the question about a fat tax means if someone who puts in the time effort and money to stay physically healthy compared to someone who needs to be cared for daily then becomes what is fair and how and who should pay for what in the end.
Deep questions and thoughts but at it's base we all just need to take better care of ourselves and stop relying on a system that isn’t in the end solving any of these issues.
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Monday Sep 02, 2019
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Are you happy now and what does that mean? Happy or happiness have any one of us actually been taught to seek this or look for this or better yet the fact would be to be this. Have any of us been taught what it is or what it feels like to be happy.
Do we seek jobs that make us happy, I feel some do yes but I also feel in this day and age with numbers like 72% of North Americans not liking their jobs that we as a society are missing the make in massive ways.
At a gathering this weekend an older timer shut down a youngster who was loud talking about changing the world to make his self rich get the girls the big houses and the cars.
All things most males are force feed growing up in these current days. Now this sassy old bat simply replied after all his nonsensical boasting (which we have all done in our days btw) so will that then make you happy.
To my surprise he for 1 had no reply when in this day and age this is not normal, we thought there would be an abrasive response on how we was being attacked. As well he looked confused almost as if he did not even understand what that meant - will achieving all that then make me happy?
It is time to start looking deep inside for answers not outside for validation of others!!
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Saturday Aug 31, 2019
Saturday Aug 31, 2019
Saturday Aug 31, 2019
Women Stabs Child in the Face While Walking With His Family #IYP
At Ignite Your Purpose we focus mainly on health and self care and being better. This clip that you can find all over the internet show exactly how we truly have no clue what is going on mentally in anyone's head.
The what the why the reason but something we do feel is that diet, nutrition, and what we feed our soul daily is what shows up in life.
For the women who did this inexcusable act we have to wonder what she is being feed drug wise and as well what she is feeding herself nutrition wise and as well as media wise.
My heart goes out to the child that will face a lifetime of trauma. As well to the parents who I have no clue could have avoided that situation. No where in any of my hand to hand combat or Krav training would you think that a women would be walking around with a butcher knife looking to attack an innocent child!
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Friday Aug 23, 2019
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Heart Stress Test And The Outcomes #IYP (Part 2)
Heart stress test and the outcomes that come from them (I have never done one in a medical office) but I was asked to go for a chin wag today over a cup of tea and the conversation we had was about his heart stress test.
I found the entire process very interesting (anyone can look up online what they do in a test like this) after he spoke about the test and what was done, how his body reacted and then finally how it felt to do it, the doctor then gave him the results.
The results were that he was in the beginning stages of heart issues mainly stress to the heart.
As we continued to talk, and as he ate, drank, and was on the phone multi tasking (all normal life for all of us correct) what he said next was the most perfect reflection of being truly unaware of what is going on in your own life. I can remember vividly being there not that long ago. Meaning not at all paying attention to what we put inside our body and mind, then as well not moving the body physically to improve the health of the body and internal system.
He said that the reason for all this problems was his job.
Not at all different from any of us looking for that one thing to blame.
Yet here is the fact, he is self employed, he is an entrepreneur which means he is in control of all of that correct? Yet he pushed the blame of his own health beginning to fail onto the term "work". It's my works fault, I have to provide, I have to pay bills, I have to...I have to...
I totally agree with all that, but I also agree with the statement of 'I have to also take of myself!'
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